Latin American History. Study on INFERIORITY and INFERIORISM

October 4 of 2005

An American Lady wrote a personal message to me and asked :

What I understand, the worst thing about the trade agreements, (NAFTA, CAFTA) has been the fallout for small Latin American farmers who cannot compete with U.S. subsidized corporate farming. Why do Latin American leaders sign these agreements, Vicente?

These people ( the rulers of Colombia and their companions ) are only moved by Personal Gain, Personal Wealth and Greed.

The US took half the territory from Mexico, and the Panama Canal that had been under construction by Colombia with terrible cost and efforts.

"I took Panama" - Teddy Roosvelt

For 500 years the fundamental political philosophy in Latin America has been


that was taught by the conquerors to their slave indians and blacks.

Those two words describe Latin America better than

CLIENTELISM, PERSONALISM, EGOISM, INDIVIDUALISM, MESIANISM, and others that speak of Abusive Personal Power.

CASTRO and CHAVEZ are two madmen with the poorest utopian answers to the "American Challenge" or the "World Challenge", perhaps the future "Chinese Challenge".

CHAVEZ is squandering 10 Marshall Plans and talking wagonloads of Blather.

The negotiations of the Andean FTA are the most Ridiculous Episodes of Imposition. The clauses talked are totally contrary to Colombia.

This leonine contract will produce the ruin of millions of peasants.

BEGGARS in the Cities. And EMIGRANTS everywhere.

Emigration is TRANSITIVE.

The lowest classes push the higher classes to emigration. They destroy and lower wages.

What will be the future benefit for U. S. Foreign Policy of this massive destruction of Peasantry and the Environment ???

The displaced peasants will burn the Tropical Jungle or the Misty Forests of the Andes.

Thanks again

Vicente Duque