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  1. #11
    mose's Avatar
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    Govenor Arnie

    I just listened to a TOTAL IDIOT, RINO- Governor Arnie. He admited he is not a republican and is just acting and playing govenor. This guy has no computing power in his brain. His brain must have leaked out when he lies down to sleep. California is broke and he is robbing Citizens of more and more monies. He is not an American but a traitor with the crazy idea he is a world citizen. It is plain he does not understand our REPUBLIC.
    He is subsidizing an invading army. Wake up Californians--Your being chumps!!!
    (Mod edit)

    America does as it has always done when you come here we take a look at what you have and adopt or reject it... whether it is food or words...but we do ot copy your culture...(Mod-edit) That's why we are American citizens...We live by it.... which seems to make you all angry...You try to change us to be more like you and when we don' dislike us even more and call us names like racist. Of course there are the Political correct crowd who are apologists and pleasers who roll over for the bullies.
    Don't come here and try to change us we went thru all of that for the last 300 years. (Mod-Edit).. you will meet with fierce resistance. If they won't enforce this law they won't enforce any. Government has opted for anarchy by their ignorance. Jesse james is novice compared to thse government thieves. To all wannabes, get legal--ADAPT to our culture, If NOT LEGAL OR GET OUT!!!

  2. #12
    mose's Avatar
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    Illegal Racists and Bandits

    La Raza and other a racist organizations that promote bigotry and violence against American Citizens need to get out of our country.
    Mexico in the past did not want America until we paved it, built it up and made it nice to live in. Only then did they, because of their greed, corrupt ideology and laziness want it.
    They have deluded themselves and other fools to the idea we stole it from them, when they lost it through selling it and war.
    Now they come here and bring all of their bad habits and bad behavior and tell us they have a riights...BS. Check the true history and stop rewriting it! This Republic belongs to USA Legal citizens... Illegal alien thieves have NO RIGHTS -- "GET OVER IT" AND GET OUT!!!!!!

  3. #13
    mose's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    The dark side of illegals--Terorism

    How soon we forget???!!
    Have we forgotten the zeal for those who not only want to kill Americans but will actually try to kill as many Americans as they can?

    Should illegal alien terrorists target a major shopping mall or subway system in the US and contaminate it with a nuclear agent such as polonium-210 or a biological agent such as Anthrax oe bird flu, the death toll could easily be in the tens of thousands.
    Should the illegal alien terrorists set of a small suitcase nuke in a major city the death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands.

    Should the illegal alien terrorists release a genetically engineered version of the Bird Flu that is person-person contagious across the USA the death toll could easily be in the tens of millions.

    For all you parents and grandparents who still don't think controlling our borders and knowing who is in the country is important, you might want to check out Mass Slaughter in Our Public Schools: - The Terrorists' Chilling Plan where it is reported:

    "... according to two trainers at an anti-terrorism conference on the East Coast, preparations for attacks on American schools that will bring rivers of blood and staggering body counts are well underway in Islamic terrorist camps.
    The intended attackers have bluntly warned us they're going to do it.
    They're already begun testing school-related targets here.
    They've given us a catastrophic model to train against, which we've largely ignored and they've learned more deadly tactics from.
    ...Al-Qaeda has publicly asserted the "right" to kill 2,000,000 American children, Rassa explained, and has warned that "operations are in stages of preparation" now. He played vivid videotapes confiscated in Afghanistan, showing al-Qaeda terrorists practicing the takeover of a school. The trainees issue commands in English, rehearse separating youngsters into manageable groups and meeting any resistance with violence. Some "hostages" are taken to the rooftop, dangled over the edge, then "shot."

    "Any place that has given [Islamic terrorists] trouble, they've come after the kids," Grossman said. Muslim religious literature, according to Rassa, states clearly that the killing of children not only is "permitted" in Islam but is "approved" by Mohammed, so long as the perpetrators "are striving for the general good" as interpreted by that religion.

    He cited instances in Indonesia where girls on their way to school have been beheaded and in other countries where children have been shot, mutilated, raped or burned alive.

    In this country this year ['06], Rassa said, there have been several school bus-related incidents involving Middle Eastern males that raise suspicion of terrorist activity. These include the surprise boarding of a school bus in Florida by two men in trench coats, who may have been on a canvassing mission, and the attempt in New York State by an Arab male to obtain a job as a school bus driver using fraudulent Social Security documents. The latter gave an address in Detroit, home to a large colony of fundamentalist Muslims.

    Rassa claimed that floor plans for half a dozen schools in Virginia, Texas and New Jersey have been recovered from terrorist hands in Iraq."

    The nation was griped by the "massacre" at Columbine High School a few years ago. As tragic as that was, imagine what a few committed illegal alien terrorists could do in one of our schools. It has already happened in other schools to other people's children. The article goes on regarding:

    "... the brutal takedown in 2004 of a school that served children from 6 to 17 years old in Beslan, Russia.
    Some 100 terrorists were involved, nearly half of whom were discreetly embedded in the large crowd of parents, staff and kids who showed up for the first day of school; the rest arrived for the surprise attack in SUVs, troop carriers and big sedans. Across a three-day siege, 700 people were wounded and 338 killed, including 172 youngsters.

    More than 1,000 men, women and children, including babies, were penned in an unventilated gym and a cafeteria. As the days passed without food or water and inside temperatures rose to 115 degrees, survivors were eating flowers they'd brought for teachers and fighting for urine to drink out of their shoes in desperation. Women and some children were repeatedly and continuously raped.

    Adult males and larger male students were used as "forced labor" to help fortify the building, then shot to death. Bodies were thrown out of an upper-story window, down onto a courtyard. Attempts at negotiation by responders were used by the terrorists strictly as an opportunity to buy time to solidify their fortifications.

    Surviving hostages were surrounded by armed guards standing on deadman switches, wired to explosives. All entrances to the building as well as stairwells and some interior doorways were booby-trapped. Youngsters were forced to sit on window sills to serve as shields for snipers. "Black widows" (potential suicide bombers) were rigged so their bomb belts could be detonated by remote control when leaders considered the timing was right. The terrorists stayed cranked up on some type of amphetamine to keep awake.

    ... When troops finally stormed the school in a counter-assault on the third day, "pure pandemonium" reigned. Soldiers and the kids they were trying to rescue were gunned down mercilessly. Explosions touched off inside started multiple fires.

    Responders who made it inside had to jump over trip wires as they "ran" up stairs under fire from above. By then terrorists were holding hostages in virtually every room. Rescue teams were subjected to continual ambushes. Gunfights occurred predominately within a 6-ft. range, with some responders having to fight for their lives in places so cramped they couldn't get off their hands and knees.

    Some children successfully rescued from the building were so crazed by thirst that they ran to an outdoor spigot and were killed by a grenade as they filled their hands with water."

    The police and swat team could not save the students and teachers at Columbine from two moderately armed but amateur killers. Illegal alien terrorists targeting schools will be heavily armed and thoroughly trained to kill and will not be holding captured kids for ransom. Nor will they persuaded to "can't we all just get along?" by some touchy-feely psychologist hostage negotiator and they will not be influenced by "peace-now" demonstrators singing Kumbaya. They want to die serving their cause and will try to kill as many American children as they can before they themselves are finally killed.

    If you do not think this is possible, check the response time of heavy police reinforcements and the swat team to your children's school and then estimate how many children could be killed in that time by just a few terrorists with automatic weapons and grenades. In just five minutes, most of everybody in the school would be dead, especially with the "lockdown" procedures adopted by most schools.

    Do not make the mistake of assuming that illegal alien terrorists are stupid. They are diabolical, cunning, determined, willing to die for their god fighting the "infidels," and want to kill as many Americans as they can. That includes your children in one of their most vulnerable locations – your local school. According to many experts (see the links at end of this section) the terrorist sleeper cells are already in the US waiting word to launch their attacks. It would not surprise me if the attacks started right before the 2008 elections in an attempt to push the nation further left like they did in Spain.

    Proper border security and identification are key elements to keep them out and arresting them when here so what happened in Belsan does not happen in a school in your town with your children being killed this time.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Texas - Occupied State - The Front Line

    Welcome to ALIPAC.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #15
    Senior Member SOSADFORUS's Avatar
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    Mose, welcome to alipac...Please check for a PM I sent you
    Please support ALIPAC's fight to save American Jobs & Lives from illegal immigration by joining our free Activists E-Mail Alerts (CLICK HERE)

  6. #16
    Senior Member ShockedinCalifornia's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    "The total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers exceeds $1 billion a year - not including the millions of dollars for education."
    That's over ONE BILLION DOLLARS!!!
    In one state!
    That's the price these NON-CITIZENS are costing us in CA! And all they want is more, more, more $$$!

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