Hoagland’s vote against pay supplement for bilingual workers sparks criticism
By Brandi Hart, Staff writer
(Created: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:51 PM CDT)
Collin County commissioners on Tuesday heard from local members of the League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC), who were concerned that some commissioners do not think that hiring bilingual people is a good thing.

Commissioners voted 4-1 on June 3 to hire Nancy Tenorio, who is bilingual, for a job in the Collin County Clerk’s office. They also voted to increase her salary by 3 percent because she can speak English and Spanish. Commissioner Jerry Hoagland voted against hiring Tenorio because he did not want to pay her more than other employees simply because she is bilingual, he said at the June 3 meeting.

“We’re enabling people by doing this,â€