07:07 AM EST on Friday, January 29, 2010


Mayor seeks to delay deportation of Cape Verdean

Mayor David N. Cicilline has asked the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to delay the deportation of Luis Mendonca, the 20-year-old man who was allegedly beaten by Providence police after they’d arrested him for trespassing at a university dorm in October.

Federal authorities moved Mendonca earlier this week to ICE to begin the deportation process. The agency has filed an immigration detainer with the state to hold Mendonca in custody while they challenge his residency status.

In a letter addressed to Bruce Chadbourne, field office director for the ICE Massachusetts office, Cicilline said the alleged beating is being investigated by the Internal Affairs Division of the Providence Police Department.

“It is essential that Mr. Mendonca remain available during the course of this investigation and for purposes of possible future proceedings,â€