Made in China

Posted July 3, 2007 | 05:07 PM (EST)

First, they were poisoning our pets Then they were putting lead in the red toy trains our kids were sucking on. Tires were shredding, endangering our motorists. Then it was the fish on organic farms raised with suspicious antibiotics that I eat on my heart healthy diet. Not to mention the toothpaste. Who ever dreamed somebody would put anti-freeze into our toothpaste? No wonder some people have frozen smiles.

Every day, it seems there is something new to worry about in our food, medicines, and other imports from China that are inimical to the American Way of Life.

I may be paranoiac, but I see a pattern here. While we are all looking to the skies for missiles and atomic weapons, could this be the Chinese government embarked on a secret experimental program? Could this be a diabolical germ warfare attack against the West? In the Geneva Convention statutes, nothing is written down outlawing bad food and defective tires, is there?

Are the Chinese flying under the radar with this sudden explosion of tainted foodstuffs and products? Chairman Mao said a trip of a thousand miles starts with one footstep. Is this the long delayed weapon Chairman Mao came up with after the Great Starvation Plan of 1960 designed to bring the running dogs of Yankee imperialism to their knees? Only Chairman Mao could have anticipated the Chinese dog-handlers would out-do us in capitalistic tricks.

I grew up reading Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and know all about workers' fingers in the sausages, rat hairs in the Coke, and other dangers lurking in the food chain for unsuspecting consumers. But not even Lanny Budd could have dreamed of the yellow peril of capitalism turned against itself.

Something is rotten in China!

What is so ingenious about all of this is that our media people don't see the connection in this run of consumer bad news.

I should point out that I am perhaps overly sensitive to media coverage of health issues. I still haven't fully recovered from the anthrax disease scare that the media spread two years ago. To this day I am afraid to open letters.

Nevertheless, I would be able to sleep better at night knowing my favorite investigative health journalist, Lou Dobbs, was on the case.

The once placid CNN business newscaster, Dobbs overnight transformed himself into a fierce foe of illegal immigrants, Global Jihadists, political and academic elites, and other diseases. He managed to double his show's ratings up to a point seven or so by basically beating up on Mexicans every night.

If the administration or Congress had a choice between a wall and Dobbs in planning how to stop the flow of immigrants, they should choose Dobbs. He seemed to be our immigration policy for the last year. He's actually getting it done -and not costing taxpayers anything. There are people down there in Guadalajara, my sources tell me, saying, "I'm not going north, and have to face Dobbs on TV."

Admittedly, he sometimes sounded like an idiot doing his piñata act every night, warning us about terrorists swimming across the Rio Grande, cutting through the fences and spreading leprosy.

Dobbs was the first serious journalist to warn us about the leprosy factor. Thanks to Dobbs and CNN, "the most trusted name in news," I couldn't stop worrying about leprosy as I looked at the illegal aliens working on my neighbor's garden. Bad enough they might be terrorists.

For weeks this spring, Dobbs had been scaring the dickens out of some of us by saying there had been 7,000 cases of leprosy in the last three years. By implication, all brought to this country by immigrants carrying their Louis Vuiton knockoff bags

It eventually turned out that he meant to say there were 7,000 cases in THIRTY years.

That is still too many cases.

As Confucius, I believe, said, "Where there is fire, there is smoke."

Dobbs should not be resting on his laurels now. If any journalist could see the linkage between these random acts of the Chinese communists casting their pearls before us capitalist swine, it would be Lou Dobbs.

Go, Lou, go. Save us from becoming guinea pigs in the Chinese experimental germ warfare caper. ... 54862.html