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08:41 AM Mountain Standard Time on Monday, April 17, 2006

By The Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Time Magazine ranked Arizona's two U.S. senators among the 10 best in the country.

The magazine commended Republican Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl for being able to use their power to get things done.

It says McCain commands his independence and single-mindedness to put "unorthodox issues" at center stage -- such as torture of prisoners of war and excessive government spending.

The magazine says Kyl works effectively behind the scenes to accomplish Republican policy objectives.

Time cited examples, including an amendment barring U.S. courts from hearing cases brought by prisoners in the war on terrorism, in which Kyl was behind the efforts but not commanding headlines for them.

A spokesman for Jim Pederson, a Democrat who is running against Kyl, says Kyl has been a very effective partisan.