A 33-year-old man suspected of being an illegal immigrant has been jailed on allegations he sexually abused a young Reno girl and infected her with a sexually transmitted disease.

According to a police report, the 14-year-old girl's mother in February discovered Ismael Castillo sexually assaulting the girl. The mother filed a police report, but officers couldn't find Castillo.

The girl told officers the abuse had occurred since 1999.

Months later, police received a tip that Castillo was working at a restaurant in California, despite having been deported from the United States. Detectives found Castillo at the diner recently and interviewed him.

According to the report, he admitted he had sex with the girl and had given her the herpes virus.

On Wednesday, Castillo was booked into Washoe County Jail on suspicion of sexual assault of a child. He is on a no-bail hold from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

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