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There is a full force effort to push amnesty by stealth and deception that started last weekend. The Bush admin is going around the legislative process to push more ‘guest workers’....30 million of ‘em just isn’t enough. Witness these headlines buried in the overlooked Sunday News.

US to launch $1 BILLION ‘Plan Mexico’

Illegals may give state more clout - more seats in Congress

Kucinich-Sponsored Resolution Approved at National Latino Congreso

Death Penalty Case Puts Bush and Texas at Odds Over Mexican’s Fate

U.S. lets in more immigrants for farms

Study: illegal alien population may be as high as 38 million

Feds move to ease guest-worker rules

U.S. raises refugee admissions ceiling

Last night I heard the biggest propaganda piece to come down the pike! It was put out by America’s Majority, Richard Nadler, also former Political Director of the front group Republican Leadership Coalition – which made Public Citizen’s 2002 list of “shadowyâ€