70% of Texans favor AZ immigration law, East Texans respond

Posted: Jul 21, 2010 6:30 PM
By Sara Story

TYLER, TX (KLTV) - Arizona's immigration law is the nation's toughest law on illegal immigration, gaining national criticism. But, the majority of people in the lone star state support it. A recent report shows nearly 70% of Texans are in favor of the law and would like to see a similar bill passed here.

A state representative from East Texas is drafting a version of the bill and broke down the numbers for us. The new Texas state immigration policy has gained clout among both Republicans and Democrats, fueled by the Arizona immigration law.

"The immigration policy is broken on a national level," said David Henderson, with the Smith County Democratic Party.

"[The] state has every right to do this," said State Representative Leo Berman. "Federal government has completely failed in its responsibility to secure border."

Arizona passed the nation's toughest bill on illegal immigration and a recent Rasmussen report says the majority of Texans want to follow Arizona's footsteps.

Sixty-nine percent of them support passing an immigration law similar to the one in Arizona. Twenty-three percent would oppose the law.

Berman says this is not surprising.

"Everyone that I talk to wants the Arizona bill passed here in Texas," said Berman. "The Arizona bill is exactly like a federal bill."

But, Henderson questions the results.

"I question the numbers," said Henderson. "If these people were blonde hair, blue-eyed Scandinavians rushing across the Canadian border looking for the endless summer, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Of those polled, 77% are white, 49% are black, and 52% are other ethnicities.

In line with his party's opinion, representative Berman wrote a letter to the governor of Arizona.

"My purpose in writing is to say three cheers in Arizona and God bless you for withstanding criticism you have received from Washington and elsewhere," said Berman.

He plans to make this poll a reality by drafting his own version of the Arizona bill.

Sixty-four percent of Texans polled disagree with the U.S. Justice Department's decision to challenge the legality of Arizona's immigration law.

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