by Scott Rogers
McCain Has Issues
January 23, 2008 01:00 PM EST

No surprises this weekend as Mitt Romney won in Nevada and McCain in South Carolina. Although South Carolina was a close call, McCain wins due to the large military presence in that state. This goes to show you that this race is very tight and requires immense scrutiny of the candidates if we are every going to pick the right man for the job. In the past week there has been a little battle in talk radio land between Michael Medved and several of his colleagues. Although, I only was able to hear Laura Ingraham’s response to Medved’s Townhall blog, I will assume that several others probably read it and commented on it. Medved likes Mike Huckabee and John McCain, this is obvious and more power to him. One thing that may bother me about any host is that they must remember that if their audience may or may not agree with them. I certainly do not agree with Medved or John McCain 100%.

John McCain has his mistakes listed on his website as REAL issues:

1) John McCain believes taxes should be low, simple, and fair and has a track record of commitment to these principles.

Why did he vote against tax cut plans/bills by President Bush and others in Congress? Because he does not believe in lower taxes. Everyone on Wall Street agreed that the tax cut plan by the President was the catalyst for the gains in the economy. Apparently McCain never got that memo.

2) McCain on Border Security and Immigration Reform : I have always believed that our border must be secure and that the federal government has utterly failed in its responsibility to ensure that it is secure. If we have learned anything from the recent immigration debate, it is that Americans have little trust that their government will honor a pledge to do the things necessary to make the border secure.

Well we all know where he stands on this issue. This is a LIE. The only part of this statement that’s true is that we Americans do not trust the Government to take care of this issue. We certainly do not trust McCain to come up with immigration reform. He has no interest in securing the border properly otherwise he never would have said “I’ll give you your G.D. fenceâ€