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  1. #21
    Senior Member Bowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minnie
    Finally, we need a fair way to deal with the 12 million aliens who have entered our country illegally or overstayed their visas.
    Fair to who? To the illegals and their employers who have been breaking the laws all these years? Or to American workers, taxpayers, and the millions of legal immigrants waiting overseas for entry visas, all who have followed the laws? When will you talk about Americans and legal immigrants be treated fairly?

    Martinez is a prime example of the third world corruption which is now engulfing the US. He talks about "fairness" to criminals! This bastard needs to be deported back to Cuba.
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  2. #22
    ncm is offline

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    those who are willing to work hard at the jobs that many Americans are unwilling to do.
    This is a LIE I'm really sick of hearing!

    Finally, there must be charitable, humanitarian exceptions, so that we are not tearing apart families
    Since this was not grouped with the amnesty/guest worker garbage in that reply, does anyone know what it means? Could it mean from then on anyone who enters this country illegally will automatically be given legalship and allowed to bring in the remaining 200 members of their family and friends for us to support?

    or using the law to treat people unjustly.
    And I guess this politician believes enforcing our laws is unjust for illegals? Does this mean it will be made official that our laws are for Americans and those who came here legally only, will it become law that illegals will be exempt?

    If we lose this war, does anyone know of a country we could migrate to?

    Our government is bending over backwards for illegals, boy did I ever miss the boat. I would have been better off being a poor illegal who forced my way into the US, they'd be rewarding my lawless a** big time, what a life!

    I completely understand why illegals defy our make believe laws. If I knew of a country that favored my race/nationality and knew they want me so bad they'd give me free housing, food, education & medical. That their government would force their people to speak my language, force my American culture on their people, allow me to proudly fly my American flag anywhere I wanted including their schools. Pay me for giving birth (I would stay PG all the time), free daycare, change their laws to suit my needs and culture, give me free job training and free attorneys so I can sue their people. Allow me to burn their flag, allow me to tell their citizens to leave the continent because it belongs to me, allow me to deface private and government property and believe me over their citizens. The gov tells their people I'm good and they're bad, that I'm a hard worker and they're lazy. Allow me to vote, their politicians, businesses and the wealthy are on my side. As I'm living in plain sight, allow me to cry victim of living in the shadows. Their media hides the evil I do as their government works hard to defend me, they want me to bring drugs into their country and their officials are not allowed to stop me, if they try, they go to jail. They know I'm illegal yet they give me civil rights even though most their citizens don't have them. Give me first choice in jobs and their government would call their own citizens racist if they hurt my feelings.

    Even with me receiving all this, they still allow me to demand more rights and citizenship.

    I'd most certainly risk death to get there.

    That's not the American dream, Americans have never been given that, it's a heavenly dream for illegals. Or, to scrap political correctness, it's Mexicos dream.
    Be careful what you wish just might get it!

    A finger points at the moon, the fool stares at the finger.

  3. #23
    Senior Member moosetracks's Avatar
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    And from the news! ... -8013r.htm
    New RNC chief backs bill with guest-worker plan
    By Donald Lambro
    February 2, 2007

    Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida, the Republican National Committee's new general chairman, wants Congress to pass an immigration bill this year that will include a guest-worker program with "earned citizenship" requirements for illegal aliens.

    Mr. Martinez, whose election encountered sharp opposition from some RNC members who think his support for giving illegal aliens a path to citizenship is a thinly veiled form of amnesty, said, "I don't support deporting these people because I don't believe that's a realistic approach." In an interview with The Washington Times, his first since taking the helm of the RNC, he acknowledged the opposition to his election and his support for the Kennedy-McCain bill that called for a multistep process of earned amnesty for all but the most recent illegals. But he said, "My views on immigration are not well understood."

    "I did support Kennedy-McCain. I did vote for that, but I had some amendments to that bill that made it, I think, more conservative. We need border security and strong assimilation. I voted for the 700-mile fence on the border. I'm a strong advocate of these things," he said.

    "But I don't wake up every morning worrying about the issue. It's an important issue. It needs to be dealt with. But I don't have some agenda here," he said.

    Asked what he would consider the ideal immigration bill, Mr. Martinez said he was working with Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona and other conservative Republicans on a compromise that would call for a temporary-worker system along the lines that President Bush has proposed. "We're trying to see if something can be worked out," he said.

    "I think it is important for people who would like to be American citizens, if they come here illegally, to pay some penalties for breaking the law, to undergo background checks, to see that they pass English proficiency tests and some sort of citizenship lesson, pay back taxes -- all the things that I think would be sensible for someone to earn a path to citizenship but not an immediate citizenship," he said.

    Mr. Martinez said he realizes that any earned citizenship plan triggers opposition among many in his party but he hopes that a compromise can be reached around which the party can unite.

    "I respect the right of some people to differ on whether I was the right person for the job or not. I was delighted that the opposition was as small as it was. I respect them, but then we move on," he said. "My election to the RNC was not about immigration. It's about the president's belief that my voice could help the party win elections."

    Mr. Martinez also said the Republicans' internal political battle over immigration has alienated much of the Hispanic community, but he believes the fast-growing minority voter bloc is "absolutely not a lost cause" in the 2008 elections.

    "We've done very well with Hispanic voters in the past. It's about reaching out and explaining our policies and what our party stands for," he said.

    Mr. Martinez -- who fled communist Cuba as a youngster, a story that plays a central role in his political appeal -- outlined an ambitious Hispanic outreach effort that he said he will lead as party chairman over the next two years.

    I'll be speaking to Spanish media on radio and television, webcasts, podcasts and Hispanic groups, as [former RNC Chairman] Ken Mehlman did. We'll reach out very strongly. We're going to organize in the states in a way that will allow Hispanics to play a role in our party's politics," he said.

    But the one thing that worries him the most is the residual anger and discontent at the party's base that he says led to the House and Senate losses in November and represents a major challenge for Republicans to overcome in the 2008 elections.

    "There is some anger out there at our party's grass roots. We have to show them we've heard their message loud and clear and that we understand it," he said. "We lost our path, our way. We didn't adhere to the Republican principles that made us very successful. We lost the optimism of Ronald Reagan and the idea of fiscal restraint, and obviously the Iraq war played a part as well."

    But he said he is under no illusions about Republicans making a comeback in the next elections, noting that the party will have 21 senators up for re-election to only 12 for the Democrats.

    "It's going to be a tough cycle, but we'll hold some and pick up some," he said.

    Do not vote for Party this year, vote for America and American workers!

  4. #24
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    "But I don't wake up every morning worrying about the issue. It's an important issue. It needs to be dealt with. But I don't have some agenda here," he said.
    Gee, I wonder where he picked up on that idea. Of course not, Senator!!
    We would not think such a thing as that about you.

    (We can play the same game)
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  5. #25
    Senior Member Neese's Avatar
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    Thanks for the information Minnie.

  6. #26
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neese
    Thanks for the information Minnie.
    Did you read them ?

  7. #27
    Senior Member Neese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minnie
    Quote Originally Posted by Neese
    Thanks for the information Minnie.
    Did you read them ?
    Hi Minnie, I did. There was quite a bit of information there, so I will have to reread it. I was reading about Tony Blair on the Drudge Report too. Things just keep on getting more interesting don't they?

  8. #28
    ncm is offline

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    political battle over immigration has alienated much of the Hispanic community
    Most legal hispanics want what we want, I could care less about what the rest think. The only thing that will make an illegal happy is if we give them the store. Tell me please, what is sane about worrying if enforcing the law alienates the criminal?

    include a guest-worker program with "earned citizenship" requirements for illegal aliens.
    In my opinion there is no way an illegal can ever earn citizenship. If they are allowed citizenship, they will forever whine, throw hissy fits and make unreasonable demands to get their way. I can picture our Congress forever changing laws or making new laws to accommodate these freeloading, ungrateful spoiled brats.

    he believes the fast-growing minority voter bloc is "absolutely not a lost cause" in the 2008 elections.
    They must be planning to allow guest workers to vote in our presidential elections, otherwise they wouldn't be concerning themselves with this hispanic voter bloc of illegals who they expect to be future "guest workers", voting in our 2008 election. If this is what they're planning, then American citizenship will become so watered down it won't be worth the paper it's written on and we can expect America to be erased even quicker than we thought possible. Do we really believe middle easterners or hispanics will vote in USA's interests?

    We're going to organize in the states in a way that will allow Hispanics to play a role in our party's politics
    They heard us loud and clear? Stupid, that's what you've been doing all along, that's why you lost! They missed the whole point. They should be reaching out to the American people (the majority) instead, they're continuing to reach out to illegals (the minority). Apparently they feel they don't need our vote, the voter bloc of 300 million legal registered voters mean nothing. They're depending on 12 million illegal voters. I smell corruption.

    "I think it is important for people who would like to be American citizens, if they come here illegally, to pay some penalties for breaking the law, to undergo background checks, to see that they pass English proficiency tests and some sort of citizenship lesson, pay back taxes -- all the things that I think would be sensible for someone to earn a path to citizenship but not an immediate citizenship," he said.
    Isn't most of that already on the books and you chose not to enforce it? This is a bad joke. Right now they cry about how they're overwhelmed, that's it's impossible to keep track of a few thousand who overstay their visas. Do they really expect us to believe they can suddenly handle 12 million defiant illegals? Do they really believe that these illegals are suddenly going to become respectful and law abiding?

    If they really plan on enforcing proficiency in English for all US citizens, would we still be forced to speak Spanish to communicate with them or get employment? Would they continue to call us racist when we ask to make our national or state language English? Would English still be considered a "second" language? Would we still have to press "1" for English?

    I won't believe they're serious unless in the same bill they add that our national language is English, that no more government documents will be published in Spanish, that all voters must show an ID proving they are US citizens. Unless they do this, they're offering nothing but eye candy to the gullible.

    Even if they suddenly could handle this massive amount of illegals, it would take years to get the job done. In the meantime, millions more will be entering the country illegally, it's a vicious circle. I'm convinced our leaders want a billion people here to compete with China and India's sweat shops, at any cost.
    Be careful what you wish just might get it!

    A finger points at the moon, the fool stares at the finger.

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