by Alex Swoyer
19 Jun 2015
Washington, DC

Hillary Clinton, the Mexican government and the American media all seem to be “nervous about something,” following Donald Trump’s recent presidential announcement.

The GOP presidential candidate referenced the need to close the southern border to keep illegal aliens from entering America across it.

“They’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said during his announcement speech.

Just two days after Trump’s presidential announcement and following the tragic shooting at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, 2016 Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton hinted in an interview that Trump’s speech would incite more violence and somehow linked his presidential launch to the horrific event. An adviser to Trump responded to Clinton’s statements saying she lacks credibility when she uses the tragedy as an opportunity to attack a political opponent.

“She must be nervous about something,” he added.

It appears the Mexican government is also “nervous” about Trump’s tough stance on illegal immigration.

A translation of Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong’s statements to reporters show he called Trump’s statements “biased and absurd.”

“You can tell he is seeking to generate publicity, and of course he does not know or understand, surely, the contributions of all the migrants of practically every nation on earth, who have come to support and back the development of the United States.”

Chong added, “It is those Mexicans who are over there, through various circumstances, who help, without a doubt, the development of the United States and to strengthen it and show itself as a great world power.”

“So I think that what this character did is to generate controversy and not productivity, or maybe surely the lack of knowledge of the contributions of immigrants in the United States,” Chong concluded.

The Mexican media also paid close attention to the speech because after Trump’s presidential launch, the El Universal reported on his speech – highlighting his words used against illegal aliens coming into the United States from Mexico.

In the first sentence of the article, the publication reported that Trump said he would build a wall along the southern border and make Mexico pay for it if he were elected President of the United States.