labor issues were specifically excluded from the North American Free Trade Agreement to placate organized labor.
UMMM do you think this was so they could keep the cheap labor coming?

Since the issue went unresolved in that treaty, the informal flow of workers has continued unabated across the border. The trade matter, became a labor issue, and has now transformed into one about illegal immigration.

"Informal flow"
. "The trade matter became an illegal immigration" Hellloooo it was an illegal immigration matter before NAFTA, it was ignored

This gives the Mexican president a legitimate opportunity -- an unprecedented one -- to go directly to community leaders and nominees.
He has no legitimate reason to lobby American citizens elected officials who are suppose to be looking out for the best interest of American citizens NOT Mexican citizens.

This is a conflict of interest, and against the law for any federal employee....They are chooseing the best interest of Mexicans over the best interest of Americans....Throw the bums out!!

If we can find out who they are!