Source is from Mexico so that may be why the article appears strange, must be due to a translation
Deputies call foragent?s extradition Gov?t ?must negotiate? with us over killing of teenager
Family members mourn for Sergio Herna?ndez in Cd. Jua?rez on Wednesday. Mexico is demanding a full investigation on his death.

Jueves, 10 de Junio de 2010


MEXICO CITY? Federal deputies on Wednesday condemned the killing of Mexican teenager Sergio Adrián Hernández, who was gunned down by a U.S. Border Patrol guard on Monday. Lawmakers also called on the federal government to negotiate with the U.S. to have the agent extradited to Mexico. Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Dep. Alfonso Navarrete Prida said that the federal government should protest with all of its energy against the "xenophobic action," saying ?there can- not be an hostile environment; I con- sider this young man?s murder an act of brutality, completely unacceptable. It?s called homicide, and Mexico should ask for the extradition of whoever committed this crime," Navarrete said. Foreign affairs committee chair and Labor Party (PT) Dep. Porfirio Muñoz Ledo said that the federal government must make a formal claim to the United States in order to try and condemn those responsible for Sergio Hernandez?s murder. "This has to be investigated. Those responsible must be sanctioned, but most importantly, it is necessary to see Washington?s participation in this issue, as well as in others, as is the case with the Arizona law,"he said, referring to a new law cracking down on illegal immigration. Muñoz said that the Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretariat (SRE) must formally demand an explanation from the U.S. government about the death, and al- so lamented the "slow motion" in which the secretariat is working. ?Not just because Obama is our ally, as he?s said to be, does that mean we lose the right to protest,"Muñoz said. "One thing is that the Democrats have shown themselves in favor of Mexican proposals and another is that their officials show no respect for our sovereignty or for our territory."