Illegal immigrants not above the laws of our country
Elaine Brown
Published: Wed, Dec. 31, 2008 12:30AM
Modified Wed, Dec. 31, 2008 02:05AM

Eunice Brock's My View column "Immigrant stories could be our own" (CHN Dec. 14) is wrong. Legal immigrants and Americans are law-abiding people; illegal aliens are not.

Why should illegal aliens receive amnesty for felonies they have committed: a second illegal entry, document fraud, tax evasion and identity theft? An American or legal immigrant would spend a long time in jail for those crimes.

Americans and legal immigrants have seen their jobs in the construction industry, agriculture and service industries disappear as a result of the unequal playing field created by illegal aliens working under the table, our labor law ignored. Employers love cheap labor.

Americans experiencing identity theft know the misery of ruined credit, and permanently losing part of their own Social Security benefits. Our children's education is being compromised by school overcrowding, and illegal aliens' requirements are draining our governmental budgets. Arizona's crackdown resulted in decreased demand for social services and a large increase in tax revenue as taxpaying Americans took back their jobs.

Ask a family whose child has caught TB from an illegal alien kid at school if they think illegal immigration is harmless. Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime.

The Pew Hispanic Center found almost all illegal aliens are Hispanic.

Our Constitution bans discrimination and mandates equal protection under the law. Why should lawbreaking Hispanic illegal aliens have preferential immigration treatment over law-abiding immigrants of all other races and ethnic groups?

Why should Hispanic Americans have more right to family reunification, in terms of timing of arrival of their families and numbers allowed in, than Americans of all other races and ethnic groups?

Why should lawbreaking illegal aliens be allowed to become legal without meeting all the conditions that legal immigrants must meet: background checks, medical tests and a guarantee not to access our social benefits for five years?

It is estimated each illegal alien has three different identities, which they can use to take American jobs, depress American wages, fraudulently claim benefits only an American is entitled to, and avoid paying their bills. In Colorado, the police raided one tax preparation service and found 1,300 fraudulent claims to the IRS by illegal aliens for tax refund money totaling $2.6 million.

An estimated 29 percent of our prison population is illegal aliens. The pro-preferential treatment for illegal aliens crowd claims statistics show "immigrants" do not commit more crimes than Americans. True. Legal immigrants are very law abiding. They never cite the figures for illegal aliens.

Have you read the recent study that found a very large percentage of gang members are illegal aliens and crime rates soar in sanctuary cities?

Americans know right from wrong.

No one in America, not even illegal aliens, is above the law.

Elaine Brown lives in San Jose, Calif. To read Eunice Brock's column go to