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Tide of illegal immigration is eradicating the American identity

Bucks County Courier Times

With all the debate regarding immigration, what stands out most for me are the arguments for increased levels of immigration, because after all, this is a nation of immigrants, and in order for this country to remain the United States of America, we must welcome even more immigrants into the fold. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This hasn't been a nation of immigrants for a very long time. This is a nation of Americans. Therein lays the problem for today's immigrants.

When my ancestors immigrated to this country, there was a condition: you must assimilate. This was a brand new experiment in humanity, and its success depended upon shedding the past and a committing to a new identity — an American identity.

While our ancestors cherished their old world traditions and taught them to us at home, they embraced their new culture and insisted we embrace it as well. They made a commitment. They made an extraordinary sacrifice in order to give their children the gift of American citizenship. And in doing so, they defined America and this American nation.

The legacy they left to their children and grandchildren was a country they could respect and depend upon, and in whose citizenship there was pride and honor. As long as they were true to America's principles and obeyed the laws, they would prosper and pass the legacy along. I am thankful every day for their selfless gift.

As for the current tidal wave of immigrants spilling onto our shores and crossing our borders, this essential condition of assimilation no longer seems to apply. Not only are they no longer required to learn our language and participate in our culture, but we have been bending over backward to respect their customs and provide for them in their native tongue. They exhibit an obscene sense of entitlement, as though they offer some skill or knowledge that we are in dire need of.

To add insult to injury, they are not even required to bring something to the table. This is effectively eradicating America.

Those who are here “legallyâ€