More than 200 Found Crossing into US near Anzalduas Bridge

Posted: Jun 18, 2014 11:59 AM
Updated: Jun 18, 2014 4:30 PM

GRANJENO - Border Patrol agents in McAllen are busy processing more than 200 illegal immigrants.

Border Patrol officials told us they found the men, women and children crossing into the U.S. near the Anzalduas International Bridge this morning. CHANNEL 5 NEWS was there as the last busload drove away from the area, near Granjeno. We're told the majority of the people are from Central America.

We also caught footage of the group waiting to go through processing at the McAllen Border Patrol station. Not all of them fit inside the sally port, where the group was being held. Some women and children were sitting under the sun.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS is still waiting to hear how many unaccompanied children were a part of this group.