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  1. #11
    MbikerNC's Avatar
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    I also both attended the rally and arrived at 8:30 to assist in the distribution of ALIPAC materials and made the rounds visiting Senators and LA's.
    I was encouraged as a few Legislative Assistants did mention that they received phone calls regarding either the rally or the general displeasure from the public about Illegal Immigration and/or were well aware of the new SC laws and the fact that a potential flood of Illegal's may be heading this way. Someone on the ALIPAC team that we need a NC/SC border fence
    Except for a few exceptions, most of the rep's assistants were very courteous, attentive and willing to listen and/or familiar with our stance.
    It felt good being part of the system where citizens get an opportunity to have a voice and visit face to face with our "representatives". This was new to me and quite educational; although our Democracy is the best system in the world, it became obvious to me that getting heard seriously is more about who you are and your affiliation rather than whether good, factual, relevant, important, highly supported by public opinion issues are presented cohesively. The fact avoiding, idealist Democrats seem to have their minds made up and the conservative, patriotic Republicans are in general, totally on our side.
    I guess I'm a tad skeptical and I was asking one Senator explain to me why 80+% want Illegal Immigration addressed and why hard working citizens have to take a productive day off work (I took a vacation day) doing the job of our elected representatives and to explain to me why it's more about what THEY want and their agendas rather than what WE want. His main response was that they don't want to go on record as supporting Illegal Immigration legislation. Sorry, I still don't get it. I don't see why this should be so difficult. I guess I'm too naive or too unfamiliar with the process with all these suits walking around, posturing during media appearances when it seems the "powers to be" already know how they are going to vote, regardless of the public's input.
    Well, I sure hope I did help in some way and my opinion and the ALIPAC provided material was actually reviewed and taken seriously. my soapbox.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the rally and speeches and those who did attend were quite passionate and energetic and I was encouraged as the rally was attended by a fair amount of news networks.

    I do understand how difficult it is to attend a rally in the middle of the day. I admit, it was quite difficult to attend the rally as unless you work in or near downtown Raleigh, it generally requires taking the whole day off of work.
    I have friends who are also against Illegal Immigration and will gladly submit faxes, sign petitions and vote for those who hold these views but few seem to be committed or passionate enough to be this committed to the cause.
    Maybe we often forget that this is a working Democracy, although the same seem to complain that their government never seems to accomplish much and don't represent their interests.

    I walk and talk Illegal Immigration daily, have a car plastered with Illegal Alien and patriotic bumper stickers and constantly wear anti Illegal Immigration t-shirts like a walking billboard but I seem to be the oddball and often labeled a passionate right-wing extremist, angry hatemonger. I wish I could get more of my friends and those on our side involved but everyone seems so busy with work and family and long hours and so pre-occupied with just doing "life".
    I wish more of my friends would wake up before our quality of life is severely impacted. I do think many are so frustrated with politics that they have given up. I also think that some will wait until it's too late or won't react unless it 'hits home' or they are personally affected such as by an illegal alien drunk driver, are assaulted by an illegal, lose a job to an illegal, etc.

    I wish finding time to attend a rally was easier. I'm not sure if a mid/late afternoon rally would be as effective but I wonder if that would result in greater numbers.

    I realize the tone of this response shows some of my frustration but beauracry tends to try my patience. All the red tape is also why so many more of the public needs to rise up in great numbers.
    Thanks ALIPAC for the opportunity to be one of the ALIPAC "foot soldiers!!

  2. #12
    Senior Member SOSADFORUS's Avatar
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    "MBikerNC"....thanks for the great post and your thoughts on the rally, I also think people care about the issue but I think they just stand aside thinking other people will take care of it or they have been brain washed into believeing protecting their own country is "racist".

    Apathy will destory America but as long as their is still a chance we must keep up the fight and hope as Americans are affected they will think enough of their country to take a stand, get involved and fight for it. Time will tell.

    Thanks to you and the others for representing us at the that were are the phone really do appreciate it!
    Please support ALIPAC's fight to save American Jobs & Lives from illegal immigration by joining our free Activists E-Mail Alerts (CLICK HERE)

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It was a good effort, William! I know how much it takes to plan something like this. I feel for you!

    Our side should just forget the idea of having large rallies. Most Americans won't sacrifice to do it. We have about 40 reliable people who will turn out for demonstrations. We have had as many as 100. The die-hards who work take a day off without pay or use a vacation day. Many of the rest of us are retired, disabled or stay-at-home moms. Still, many of them have to drive for hours to reach the rally site. With gas prices so high, I'm not sure our core 40 will even come out any more. I'm not saying we will never hold another rally, but I just think it will be harder than ever.

    Yes, we get better turn outs on Saturdays but that's not very effective when you want to reach politicians who work regular business hours. Besides, those who can make a weekday rally have a whole litany of excuses for why they can't make a weekend rally.

    Plus, Americans are afraid. Often, with good reason. No one wants to be called the r-word but, beyond that, people fear losing their jobs if they speak out against illegal immigration. Some have actually lost their jobs. They also fear retaliation against themselves or family members.

    My unsolicited advice is to rely on your strengths and things that are free and easy like phone calls, emails, faxes and letters to the editor. Copy Numbers USA as much as possible. You're already doing this. Keep up the good work!

  4. #14
    Senior Member misterbill's Avatar
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    Sad and tired--North Carolina

    About two dozen protestors showed up. Compare that to millions of illegals marching through our streets and DEMANDING rights which are not theirs. I am saddened beyond tears. The apathy of the North Carolinians has me feeling the same way I feel about Californians. You will sit on your butts until there is no more America. Except for the handful here, FAIR and Grassfire, NumbersUSA, the apathy is foot deep. It coats America as we spiral downward into a third world country.
    We, except for the few here and the other sites I mentioned, live in a country of lazy, self-indulgent, ignorant people.
    Well, the bad guys win--I don't want to be involved anymore. I am an old man living with people who have no concept of the wonderful gifts they have been given to be American citizens. I keep meeting people and have friends who believe amnesty, free trade, Nafta, are all good things. I had one acquaintance tell me that giving the Air Force tanker contract to Airbus was a good thing.
    Americans are all too blinking busy to pay attention to what is happening. I find , (I guess it's my age), that when I come here and read about the temerity of these illegals, the Chamber of Commerce, (our biggest enemy), and all the other inroads and invasive happenings, I get depressed. I have decided to sit back and ignore everything. When the changes to our country are so visible to all the lazy b------s, who will then finally waken and they want help, they can all go to hades. I am tired of carrying their water for them. This includes my own family. I visited a daughter in Oklahoma. Three grandkids. She has not got a clue as to what is happening, even in one of the few states that has effectively acted against illegal immigration. She told me she was "too busy" to keep up with the news. Well--the next time planes crash into American buildings it will wake her and millions of Americans up again---for two or three months--then back to American Idol and "too busy".
    And for heaven's sake, do not let anyone know that you think there is a plan being implemented to form a North American Union. They will call your family doctor in fear that you have lost it. They may even call you a conspiracy freak and equate you with the 9/11 conspiracy freaks.
    What is happening to me is not just sad--it's bad. I hope the programs that are going to ruin America are accelerated. I know it's risky, but maybe, then, people will make and take more time to take care of this great country, pull their heads away from banal TV and out of their butts. Maybe, they will put prayer back in schools, prevent liberal teachers from advocating homosexual lifestyles, anal and oral sex to elementary school students.
    Maybe, after seeing anchor babies, elected to office, changing the laws so that American children are deprived and take a back seat to those who do not belong here, maybe, just maybe, it won't be too late.

    But this old man thinks it will be.
    (MOD EDIT)
    The rest of Americans, except for people like you who are active here will be so busy watching TV they will not even notice.

  5. #15
    Senior Member tiredofapathy's Avatar
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    Central North Carolina
    misterbill, I feel your pain (and deeply). We all do...

    I equate it to sitting bedside and watching a close relative breathe their last breath while knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do to cause them to tary with me one moment longer.

    The tragic difference is that I know my relative is going on to something far greater than I can even imagine, while my country is going to resurrect itself at the far end of the spectrum of devolution and misery. I find little comfort in the knowledge that the apathetic, the lazy, the self-indulgent, and the wicked wil reap the harvest they are sowing. I have loved ones who have invested lifetimes into building a society that once was the envy of the world, and now will be forced into sharing the fate of those who are enabling it's destruction. Alas, so goes history and the civilizations that came before us. Isn't it a shame that as a culture we gained nothing from observing the mistakes of the past?

  6. #16
    Senior Member misterbill's Avatar
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    I know it cannot be done

    I know it cannot be done--but if we could restrict TV viewing, at least of sitcoms etc., to two hours in the evening and have true and honest (impossible) presentations of the problems we face, there might be a chance. Have you ever seen an announcement (for example), "give us 30 minutes of your time this evening and we will present the advantages and disadvantages of drilling for oil in our country and offshore? You will then have the facts"? Fat chance , but at least another fourth, third or God willing, half of Americans would find information and be able to make an intelligent??? decision.
    How about an enactment of how a large minority group that does not assimilate will change the face of America--good and bad???

    I sympathize, to an extent with many parents in two income families who are crowded for time when rocketing around to band practice, etc. as well as commuting and working all day. Won't they be relieved when they are assigned to adtention camp or see their beloved children languishing from lead poisoning? They darn well better open their eyes and work a little harder before they become slaves in their own country.

    I am one of those who believes a second civil war is possible if men and women of honesty do not take over the reins of government. Even sadder, the thought no longer bothers me as it may be the only way to restore our republic. This is OUR country--we should run it.

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