By Frosty Wooldridge
January 1, 2009

The New Year provides all of us with a new beginning. Many of us make resolutions to lose weight, earn a degree or find a better job. Others vow to get rid of their current spouse! Give their kids to the Salvation Army! Or, buy a Harley and ride the wild wind to Sturgis!

What about our country? What resolutions would you make for America? Let’s find out!

America faces daunting challenges in 2009 and beyond. After eight years of treading water at the federal level with a totally inept president--we drown in debt, muddle through endless war, stagger under environmental calamities and find our economy punched in the nose with a sledge hammer.

We face millions of Baby Boomers retiring which means they tap into an already delicate Social Security system. Our environment suffers under devastating onslaughts of air pollution suffocating our cities; 80,000 chemicals injected into the water, land and air daily; species extinction accelerating, climate change and dozens of other problems.

We discover energy demand rising while availability descends. We witness the housing bubble bursting while foreclosures explode by the millions. We watch our 14 million unemployed citizens struggle while our Congress substitutes them with millions of imported of unemployed immigrants.

From the world’s largest creditor nation, we now suffer horrific international debt as well as our own $10.1 trillion federal debt.

Like a 400 pound fat man at an “all you can eatâ€