Conservative activists attacked at Secure Borders Rally in New Jersey. News Team

Breaking News Story

There is a breaking news story from Morristown, NJ that has been sent to us by a reader. Members of the Pro-American Society, the Minutemen, and other groups held a rally today (Saturday, July 28 ) in support of a secure border and lawful immigration enforcement. The rally was called as a response to the Hazelton, PA immigration law being struck down by a left wing judge.

As two of the participants were leaving, a male and female, their vehicle was attacked. The victims were pulled from their car and beaten and the vehicle was smashed and looted. Members of a violent Marxist gang, known as the ARA, had shown up at the demonstration to scream profanities and may have been involved in the attack.

This is not the first time that violent white Marxists and/or pro-illegal alien Hispanics have attacked conservatives at public demonstrations. It has primarily happened in Southern California in the past. Far left organizations, such as the SPLC, constantly say that conservative secure border activists will promote anti-immigrant violence with their “rhetoric.â€