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No-Border Encuentro: Update from the Borderline Anarchy Collective (BLAC) - Winter 2007
Tuesday, December 26 2006 @ 12:15 PM PST
Contributed by: Collin Sick
Views: 60
Compaņeras y compaņeros - greetings from the Sonoran desert. We are writing you to provide you with an update on the winter 2007 no-border encuentro, being planned for Tucson, Arizona. After much discussion and consideration, we've pushed back the date for the encuentro to February 16-19, 2007. Time sneaked up on us, and as a collective we felt this would give us sufficient time to realize the encuentro the way that we've envisioned. We are planning the weekend as an opportunity for like-minded compaņer@s across borders and throughout the region to gather, share our vision and ideas, coordinate around local and regional issues and strategize for the Calexico/Mexicali No Border Camp in autumn 2007.

Below you will find the original invitation to the encuentro. If you are thinking of coming, please contact us, as space is limited. We look forward to seeing you in February.

For a world without borders,
The Borderline Anarchy Collective, Tucson

Tucson Encuentro Anti-fronterizo - Febrero February No Border Encuentro - Tucson

The BorderLine Autonomy Collective (BLAC) invites those who share our vision of a world without borders to join us in Tucson this February 16-19, 2007 as we strategize to build a movement against borders and for humanity. This February encuentro is meant to advance the development of the No Border Camp being held near the Calexico/Mexicali border in the Fall of 2007, and the North American No Border Network.

Around the world, international borders are used to divide people, and to define and to control the conditions of our lives. The militarization of borders is key to maintaining the neo-liberal capitalist system.

As long as the U.S./Mexico border has existed, people have been struggling against it. While goods and capital move freely across this boundary many people are criminalized, persecuted and killed for doing so. For years, around the world, people have been tearing down fences, freeing detainees and fighting for the rights of migrant people. A global movement against borders and migration controls is rising.

At the February Encuentro we will host workshops and planning meetings for the No Border Camp, along with field trips and cultural events. Housing will be provided, as well as some meals. Some funding is available to help people who may have to travel longer distances. A suggested donation of $20 per participant is requested.

If you are interested in attending, or offering a workshop or activity, please contact the Tucson Borderline Anarchy Collective(BLAC) at - and help spread the word. There is limited space for participants so contacting us with an RSVP is requested.

The North American No Border Network is being organized under the hallmarks of Peoples' Global Action, pasted below:
People's Global Action Hallmarks:

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation;
2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.
3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;
4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism;
5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.