North American Union on the Run
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
By Tom DeWeese

Take a look at this important article by Jerome Corsi: ... geId=70864 on the effect our efforts are having in the fight to stop the North American Union.

Efforts by thousands around the nation are getting the message out about the North American Union. The perpetrators of this treason did not want the general public to know of their plans. They wanted to operate in secret.

But we have blown the whistle on them. We have alerted Americans. And we are throwing a massive monkey wrench into their well laid plans. And it is having an effect.

They started with denials and escalated to calling us names – lunatic fringe; liars; scare mongers. They refuse to debate the issue. They hide behind a curtain of secrecy. But it’s not working. And that fact is having an effect on their plans. There is a feeling of despair growing in the ranks of the SPP.

Back in January, Jerome Corsi reported on an article written by a reporter for the Canadian newspaper, The Globe and Mail. The reporter, John Ibbitson was actually participating in an SPP meeting, presenting a paper. So he was on the inside.

He was basically shocked by the attitudes of the participants. Here are the people who seem to have everything under control. The people you and I fear the most. Yet, he found them exhibiting an overwhelming feeling of despair that their well-laid plans for a North American Union were in trouble. Said Ibbitson, “public exposure has stalled SPP efforts.â€