Not long ago there was no money for the Border fence ... Do you Remember

then bush said he would fine Illegal Immigrants and use that money to build the fence is we grant all of these Illegal Aliens Amnesty

Amnesty was overwhelmingly shot down and here we are twiddling our thumbs as a grossly Incompetent Michael Chertoff drags his feet and the fence goes up at a snails pace..... but lets get back to the money.

George Bush is just finishing up a 5 nation Africa victory tour promising billions and billions of dollars to Africa fighting disease (thats good) the amount of money ... what the hell are you doing George... have you lost you mind (thats bad) especially since the Aids total was overstated

then we have Bush hiding 1.5 Billion Dollars to Mexico in house bills .. now this is money we are borrowing from China .. With Interest mind you... I would suggest if Mexico needs the money they can get they're own money from China, with Interest.

I don't think most Americans Understand... this country is Fiscally Broke... If you do not think so I do pity you... you are about to get the wake up of a life time

With all of that said... why was there a problem funding the fence if you can sling money all over the world while your citizens are being killed daily by Illegal Aliens .... Wheres the funding Dumb A$$