This President does not love America

Obama Courts Latino Votes at Arizona’s Expense

By Rev. Michael Bresciani
Friday, July 9, 2010

Every time the President speaks, makes another appointment, or ramrods a new bill through the democratically controlled congress, he reinforces what millions of Americans now feel; this President does not love America.

With Arizonans cringing in fear even hundreds of miles from the border from the aftermath of brutally murdered ranchers and border police, we might expect any other President to spring into action. We would not expect 1200 National Guardsmen to come down and sit at desks. Most of us would hope for ten or twelve thousand to come down as John McCain has suggested, armed to the teeth and ready to rumble with anyone who endangered the lives of Americans.

The Obama administration has chosen a different rumble. In the 1960s, Charlotte Keyes popularized the saying, “Suppose They Gave a War and nobody came.â€