Once Upon A Time there was a Senator named Jon Kyl....

Part 1. Judas Kyl & his 'Thirty Pieces of Silver'

Once upon a time in Arizona, there was a US Senator named Jon Kyl. He began his career as a lawyer, became president of the AZ Chamber of Commerce and eventually became AZ Republican Party Chair, ran for Congress and ultimately for the US Senate. He loved the power of being a US Senator, but there was something missing. Rather than having to run for re-election periodically trying to convince voters not to hold him accountable for his voting record, he really wanted to be a judge. Not just a county or state judge, but a federal judge with a lifetime appointment regardless of the outrageous decisions he might deliver or how blatantly he pandered to special interests or powerful politicians.

Accumulated "intelligence" over the past 2 years on Jon Kyl offers a credible motive for his sponsoring this travesty we call S-1348, the Kyl-Kennedy-Bush Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. Better yet, it passes what I call "The Judge Judy Test:" it makes sense.

At the April 2005 Minuteman kickoff, I first heard of Kyl's hopes for a federal bench appointment from a former AZ House member. Since then, I've encountered the belief dozens of times, not just from GOP insiders but also from politically-active citizens. So while Kyl's judicial hopes haven't yet made the pages of the Arizona Repugnant (Arizona Republic) or the East Valley Spitoon (East Valley Tribune), it's certainly no secret.

When I heard later in 2005 of Kyl's being chosen "Distinguished Citizen of the Year" by the University of AZ Law School Alumni, I thought "it really is falling into place." It's described on blog http://www.democracycellproject.net/blo ... _quie.html

Later that year in Scottsdale and in May 2006 in Sun Lakes, Kyl appeared at GOP-sponsored Town Halls where he was introduced as a front-runner candidate for appointment to the US Supreme Court! That he would bypass the customary federal "entry level" of district court judge might be a reflection of Kyl's "fast-track" expectations or perhaps just misunderstanding by the introducer. The important element is that Kyl didn't demur at all upon hearing the "introductory" predictions, which told me they were probably true. It won't take long to see proof - -less than 2 years remain in George Bush's authority to appoint federal judges. If Kyl is to get his seat on the federal bench, the deadline is January 19, 2009.

What's in "compromise immigration reform" for Kyl?
Kyl as Bush's Senate bag man on the Kyl-Kennedy-Bush Amnesty in return for the federal bench appointment explains why he's supporting something that offers Americans absolutely nothing except more empty promises of enforcement, virtually identical to what we heard in 1986.

George Bush is busily seeking a "legacy" to pretend for the history books that he accomplished something during the 8 years he spent in the White House. At this point, "illegal alien amnesty" is the best thing he can hope for. So it's clear to Kyl that delivering Illegal Alien Amnesty is the price he must pay for a federal bench appointment from George Bush.

During a "dot-connecting" conference call, several activists and I realized, "By Jove, I think we've got it."

The fix is in.
But George Bush isn't the only one saying "gimme" to Kyl for his federal bench appointment. All presidential appointments require Senate approval.

Knowing first-hand how difficult it's been for Bush's "conservative" judicial appointments to overcome filibuster by Senate Democrats, Kyl doesn't dare risk his appointment being stalled and eventually derailed like that of Robert Bork. Kyl knew he needed a little more insurance so chose the method employed so often by George Bush: pre-emptive action. "Ah," thought Judas Kyl, "what better way to insure they'll ratify my appointment than to give in to every demand they make on 'comprehensive immigration reform?' After I concede every ridiculous demand made by the illegal aliens, surely the Senate Democrats will ratify my federal bench appointment."

Whether Kennedy led the "immigration reform" poker game demanding a blank check from Kyl or whether Kyl just cut to the chase by emptying his pockets on the table with the first round isn't important. That Kennedy openly bragged to the Washington Post that "stakeholders" like National Council of LaRaza, MALDEF (Mexican-American Legal Defense & Education Fund) and LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) had "veto power" over the draft legislation reveals that the fix was in from the beginning. (2) I doubt that Kyl so much as cleared his throat during the closed-door sessions for fear it might be mistaken for opposition.

The irony of the whole thing is that the illegal alien advocacy groups are now claiming the legislation is too harsh! The fines are too expensive, the conditions are too harsh, the requirement that a head of household leave the country to apply for legal residence for the family is punitive because "it will separate families."

These people must think we don't know about the "waiver process" that they will tutor their illegal alien applicants to demand at every possible opportunity. Can't speak English? Get a waiver. Haven't held a job? Get a waiver. Don't want to pay the $5,000 "fine?" Get a waiver. In the unlikely event that DHS employees refuse any demand by illegal aliens, you can bet the illegals will have a list of pro-illegal alien congressmembers with phone numbers to intercede enabling them to gain legal status and/or citizenship.

Stay tuned for updates...
That Kyl and his Republican cronies in the "Gang of 12" will vote for passage of "compromise immigration reform" is almost inevitable. (And who knows, perhaps others in the "Gang of 12" (3) have arranged to collect their own individual "30 Pieces of Silver?")

The "Gang of 12" include "Chappaquiddick Ted" Kennedy (D-MA), Jon "Judas" Kyl (R-AZ), Lindsey "I Love LaRaza" Graham (R, SC), Mel Martinez (R, FL), Arlen Specter (R, PA), and Ken Salazar (D, CO). That Kennedy has already authored and supported TWO disastrous immigration bills in 1965 and 1886 should be enough to make anyone run, not walk from this "compromise."

As a junior senator, Salazar rounds up Democrats' support while Kyl works on the GOP side. Kyl is actually a stand-in for fellow AZ Senator John McCain's role in 2006; McCain is running for President and has learned that advocating illegal alien amnesty while a White House hopeful makes his candidacy hopeless.

Will President George Bush actually deliver to Senator Judas Kyl the federal bench appointment as promised, or will George Bush renege on his promise to Kyl as he has to the American people? And will Senate Democrats stick by their "dark of the night" deal to rubber-stamp Kyl's appointment, or will Kennedy renege leaving Kyl to face angry voters? I doubt if Kyl got anything from "Chappaquiddick Ted" in writing, so it's not like he can sue for breach of contract.

Why not present the question to Senator Judas Kyl the next time you phone his office to express your outrage of his despicable betrayal, especially Republican voters who believed his promises and voted for him last November?

If you call your Republican senator, ask if he's supporting the Bush-Kyl agenda while getting nothing for themselves: Kyl's bench appointment, placating Senate Democrats at any costs, and providing a legacy for George Bush? Doesn't seem likely for a politician.

Mention the issue on your local radio talk shows.

Kyl needs to be exposed for his self-serving motives and told that we won't forget his treachery when his appointment needs Senate ratification. If he thinks he's hearing new words from his constituents now, wait until we pressure our Senators to vote NO on his appointment. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell may find that American voters don't have the short memories he thinks we do.

I have no doubt that Kyl thinks he's entitled to his lifetime spot on the federal bench. After he paid his dues as AZ GOP Chair and "served" the people of the United States in Congress, but that's not his decision to make. (He didn't serve in Congress for 20 years as an unpaid volunteer; he collected a handsome salary plus benefits paid by the US taxpayer.) "We the People" decide who deserves the trust of being a federal judge, not some hack politician. Let Kyl come clean with Americans on why he betrayed us, and WE'LL decide what Kyl deserves.

If we've connected the dots wrongly, it won't be long until we know. If January 19 2009 arrives without Kyl's promotion to the federal bench, I and my fellow "dot-connecting" activists will be the first to admit it. But we're not holding our breath.

What I'm really eager to hear when Kyl's promotion is announced is all the current Kyl apologists who tell of his "service to the nation," his devotion to conservative principles, his honor and integrity--their list goes on ad nauseum. Will they continue to defend Kyl when it's clear he's suckered them and left them holding the bag while he collects his 30 Pieces of Silver and dons his judicial robes?

Next: Part 2: How could Jon Kyl do this to us?


(1) "The ‘We can't deport all 12 million illegal aliens...’ Scam," The Federal Observer, February 5 2005,

(2) "Latino Groups Play Key Role on Hill; Virtual Veto Power in Immigration Debate," Washington Post, May 16, 2007
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 02022.html

(3) "Gang of 12" mulls over immigration bill," Yahoo News/Associated Press, May 24 2007
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070524/ap_ ... _gang_of12

May 27, 2007

© S. J. Miller, 2007. All Rights Reserved

~ About the author ~

S. J. Miller is a former veteran of the IT industry who sought another career rather than "follow the jobs" abroad, and a lifelong resident of border states, California, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada.

"Published originally at FederalObserver.com: republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
