Reader's Viewpoint: Illegal aliens thumb their noses at our sovereignty
To the Editor:

It would appear that amnesty advocates will stop at nothing to drum up sympathy for the “plight” of illegal aliens. Now they have stooped to parading before the public the children of illegals arrested during Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids.

Just like Pavlov’s dog, the media are salivating over the latest opportunity to make advocates of the rule of law look like cold-hearted brutes. No matter how you try to portray these developments, you need to be reminded that the full responsibility lies in the hands of illegal aliens. They are the ones who are thumbing their noses at our sovereignty. They are the ones who have subjected their children to the trauma that comes in the wake of federal officials sworn to and acting to uphold our immigration laws.

I believe that your readers would be better served if you would write about Hazelton, Pa. The American Civil Liberties Union, the Puerto Rican Defense Fund, La Raza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are currently suing this city. The objective of this suit is to have Hazelton’s “Illegal Immigration Relief Act” declared unconstitutional.

It was brought before the federal court in Scranton, Pa., on behalf of three John Does. The court allowed this because the three individuals did not want to reveal their identities because they are illegal aliens. If Hazelton loses, we all lose.

You might also do a little investigating locally to determine the costs to local taxpayers for educating, providing social services and health care to those who may be living in Tuscarawas County illegally. With the county and the schools of New Philadelphia and Dover having tax issues on the ballot in May, I would think this would be important information for our citizens to have before they decide to approve these issues.

Illegal immigration is one of the most important domestic issues that we face today. I do not understand why you have been completely silent concerning this.

Larry Greer,
