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The people speak: Bush, Rumsfeld barter soul of the United States

What next? President Bush has illegally signed a treaty of sorts with Mexico and Canada to form a North American union in 2005. A sycophant for the Illuminati, Bush takes orders from their humongous organization.

Technical name: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. The one-world people planned long ago to combine the Americas. Are we into that yet? Sounds like it. Bush told us he was sending 6,000 National Guardsmen to guard our borders. He didn’t do any such thing. He sent only about 465 soldiers, and get this, with no guns.

If there was ever a president who should be impeached or, better yet, convicted of treason, now is the time. This is the most illegal thing he has done to the United States. His effort to flood the country with illegal immigrants is beyond comprehension.

The new multimillions of immigrants will be given Social Security, Medicare, welfare, unemployment benefits and Lord knows what else. Concentration camps are already installed for the likes of anyone who challenges all this.

Good men, patriots are speaking out, the likes of Texe Marrs, Alex Jones, Lou Dobbs of CNN, American Free Press, Ron Paul of Texas, Jerome Corsy. There is already a new highway some four football fields wide being constructed from south of Mexico towards Canada.

Congress says no appropriations have been made. Lies upon lies.

Rumsfeld is right in the middle of all this, conducting secret meetings in Canada. Pray tell why your representative or senator hasn’t warned you about all this? Where are Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe? How can they ignore us?

The cost to Americans will bankrupt us all. Our own politicians will not be in office since the structure will be switched to foreigners. If every patriot, Christian, fighter, etc., will band together, we can overcome this horrible nightmare.

Ed Pittman
