Posted on Wed, Nov. 29, 2006

Petition drive taking aim at rental ordinance

A Dallas-based law firm is leading a petition drive to hold a referendum on one of the anti-illegal-immigration ordinances that the Farmers Branch City Council passed this month.

Bickel & Brewer wants voters to reject the ordinance that would fine landlords for renting to illegal immigrants. William Brewer, a partner at the firm, said some of his clients are harmed by the ordinances, but he declined to identify them.

Brewer said he is considering suing over two other ordinances passed Nov. 13 -- one makes English the city's official language, and the other commits police to coordinate with federal officials on enforcement of immigration laws.

To force a vote, the petition must be signed by 700 voters registered in Farmers Branch by Dec. 13, he said. The next general election is in May.

He said a referendum would resolve the matter quickly.

"The ordinance will be repealed by a majority of the citizens that vote, and that would be well before litigation would," he said.
Patrick McGee, 817-685-3806