DeVore is the Tea Party candidate. He has had very little exposure as he is not being funded and is not connected to the GOP elite like Carly is.

Carly is the GOP elite candidate. Not only does she have the money to throw at the race but she is hand in glove with the GOP money raising machine. She was big McCain aide in the last election.

Tom Campbell is the candidate favored by middle of the roaders on the political spectrum as he is a social liberal (including letting illegal aliens stay while saying he is against amnesty), and a fiscal moderate.

As I am a Dem I don't get to vote. If I could it would be a toss up between Carly and DeVore as I do not want Tom Campbell the phony amnesty supporter to get in. My inclination would be DeVore, but Carly would probably have a better shot against Boxer. However, if the GOP got behind DeVore with money, that might just change.