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  1. #1
    Senior Member curiouspat's Avatar
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    Position on Immigration Says a lot About One's Patriotism

    Position on Immigration Says a lot About One's Patriotism
    Jeff Adams

    As the immigration debate continues to roll along, without any apparent give from either side, it has truly been an eye-opening experience. The rhetoric used to distort the truth about what is happening in our country can at times makes one wonder if we can determine what is the truth. But the truth is there to see for anyone who will honestly look.
    On the one hand, you have people who want to ‘forgive and forget,’ allowing illegals to stay here and be put on a fast track to citizenship without any real demands on them. Some of these ‘forgivers’ even want to effectively backdate illegals’ future citizenship so they can reap the benefits of Social Security (whether they truly paid into the system or not) from they work they did here illegally. Much of the argument for a lax attitude towards illegal immigrants is based on either a sympathetic, if naïve, view of illegals, or a claim of needing to fill jobs that otherwise wouldn’t be filled.

    On the other hand, there are people who see rapid changes taking place in our society that promote disunity and an attitude of indifference toward the laws of the land. This group believes that assimilation is imperative to avoid problems that we see concerning mass immigration (such as has happened in France, the Netherlands, and other European countries), and issues that arise when there are divided linguistic and cultural traditions within the borders of one country (such as in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada to a lesser degree, and even in some African countries where various tribes have been thrown together thanks to colonialism and the random drawing of national borders). Assimilation cannot take place when the influx of immigrants is so great as to permit a separate culture to thrive within our borders, and not only allows people to not assimilate, but encourages maintaining a thoroughly separate identity, culture, and language. There comes a time when ultimately a person has to ask themselves if they desire to welcome people to our land who are looking for not only opportunity, but are looking to become ‘one of us.’ The answer should clearly be that we should welcome those who see the good in our land and want to become a part of it, adding to the mix but ultimately conforming to the dominant language and culture. We should not welcome those who want to come here to take advantage of what we have, but do not wish to become one of us. We should especially not fling open the doors and say, “Anyone and everyone can come in, no waiting required, and no demands will be put on you. Take what you want, and don’t worry about those supposedly in line ahead of you or those that already live and work here.”

    Patriotism is a love of the land and the people, and a respect for the traditions and values of that land and people. No one can, in any reasonable view of things, call themselves a patriot who embraces giving a pass to those who break into our country, violating our immigration laws, then not only refuse to assimilate, but take advantage of our legal and social systems (often without paying into those systems), and demand even more. In fact, encouraging the illegal mass migration into America of a people group, supporting the ‘underground’ employment of these people, then wanting to declare them ‘legal,’ and further open the door to more from the same people group, thus threatening our culture, social system, laws, and very existence, can only be called one thing: treason.

    The U.S. Senate has made it clear that they aren’t interested in the will or desires of the American people. They are basically violating their oaths of office, committing treason, and attempting to ‘paper over it’ with a law that they have no intention of enforcing except for the part that allows more people to flood our country. President Bush is in a position to do even more to defend this country than the Senate, and he is acting in even more treasonous ways than the Senate.

    The only hope the citizens of this country have is that the House of Representatives will make a stand, or that state, county, and local officials will act on their behalf. The evidence so far is not promising. What is truly pathetic is that the overwhelming majority of citizens will be very unhappy with their elected officials, but when November comes around, over 80% of the people in office who have refused to do the will of the people will win re-election.

    If someone worked for me and refused to handle their work in the manner I wanted, I’d fire them. Why aren’t we firing our politicians? Patriots know how to stand up for their land and their people. Patriots should vote the treasonous rabble out of office come November. To borrow from GWB, either you are with us or against us (the ‘us’ being the American citizens and legal aliens). Patriots are for law and order, and the rights of citizens over the desires of a horde of law-breakers. Traitors are willing to see our country overrun by outsiders who want what we have, but don’t want to be part of us. Justify it all you want, but anyone who is a citizen of this country and is defending illegals is betraying their country.
    "Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

    Jeff Adams, born and raised in the South, is from a long line of independent-minded Southerners. Jeff is a former U.S.A.F. officer, has a Bachelor's degree in engineering and a Master's degree in Human Resources. A life long Southern Baptist, Jeff makes his living in Houston, Texas. Jeff is a regular columnist for Sierra Times.

    Jeff Adams can be reached at:

    Copyright 2006 The Sierra Times
    TIME'S UP!
    Why should <u>only</u> AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants, have to obey the law?!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    born and raised in the South, is from a long line of independent-minded Southerners.
    next time I'm called stubborn and hard-headed, I can say I'm an "independent -minded" Southerner
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  3. #3
    Senior Member curiouspat's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA. area!
    Hi Mamie,

    I think we're all "independent-minded' citizens of the USA, no matter where we're from!

    Don't think there's a sheeple in the bunch!

    I posted this piece, simply because it's succinct and beautifully written.
    TIME'S UP!
    Why should <u>only</u> AMERICAN CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants, have to obey the law?!

  4. #4
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    Assimilation cannot take place when the influx of immigrants is so great as to permit a separate culture to thrive within our borders, and not only allows people to not assimilate, but encourages maintaining a thoroughly separate identity, culture, and language.
    The first thing that comes to mind is Jeb Bush on TV speaking Spanish in Florida.

    Patriotism is a love of the land and the people, and a respect for the traditions and values of that land and people. No one can, in any reasonable view of things, call themselves a patriot who embraces giving a pass to those who break into our country, violating our immigration laws, then not only refuse to assimilate, but take advantage of our legal and social systems (often without paying into those systems), and demand even more. In fact, encouraging the illegal mass migration into America of a people group, supporting the ‘underground’ employment of these people, then wanting to declare them ‘legal,’ and further open the door to more from the same people group, thus threatening our culture, social system, laws, and very existence, can only be called one thing: treason.
    I just cannot wait until this country is "BUSH-FREE".
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
    Senior Member concernedmother's Avatar
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    Patriotism is a love of the land and the people, and a respect for the traditions and values of that land and people. No one can, in any reasonable view of things, call themselves a patriot who embraces giving a pass to those who break into our country, violating our immigration laws, then not only refuse to assimilate, but take advantage of our legal and social systems (often without paying into those systems), and demand even more. In fact, encouraging the illegal mass migration into America of a people group, supporting the ‘underground’ employment of these people, then wanting to declare them ‘legal,’ and further open the door to more from the same people group, thus threatening our culture, social system, laws, and very existence, can only be called one thing: treason.
    Couldn't have said it better myself!
    <div>"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."
    - Clarence Darrow</div>

  6. #6
    Senior Member bearpaw's Avatar
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    San Diego, CA
    Great article curiouspat,

    I was born Independent minded. Which drove my mom nuts.
    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

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