Quarter Billion For Amnesty
Budget Has No Money For New Fence

Lou Dobbs Tonight - CNN - Feb. 6
Kitty Pilgrim: President Bush's $2.8 trillion budget released today calls for a significant increase in funding for border security and it also includes more than a quarter of a billion dollars for the president's so-called temporary guest worker program...

Rep. Ed Royce: There is no way that we can handle implementation of this program. They don't have the funds right now to handle their existing responsibilities of making sure that felons and terrorists don't get into the country.

Note: Much of the $100 million for border security will pay for speeding up processing at ports of entry.

Watch: http://www.americanpatrol.com/WMV/060206-Dobbs.wmv

Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html