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Author: James Atticus Bowden
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: June 26, 2007

Some of those favoring the Immigration Reform Act may be well intentioned, but there are others, says FSM Contributing Editor James Atticus Bowden, whose enthusiasm for this legislation may harbor ulterior motives which, if the bill succeeds, could terminate America as we know it.

Rampant Immigration: Is It Time To Control It?

By James Atticus Bowden

If you put a pot, even a big one, under a glacier and build a fire to melt the glacier, what happens? The pot gets crushed. It may take time, but a couple thousand feet of ice will crush any pot. Put out any flame of liberty and opportunity. Destroy anything in its path and carve out a new place. The illegal alien invasion of the United States is so huge that it’s like a glacier to our idea of a melting pot.

The overwhelming majority of Americans loves our melting pot. Most Americans admire and support the legal immigrants who come to the U.S. with nothing and then proceed to make something, a future for their children - as Americans. The Liberal minority of Americans wants our country to stop being the America they hate: the engine of capitalism and bastion of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization. Providing Shamnesty for illegal aliens is the fastest, surest way to gain Democrat Party dominance for decades and fulfill every fantasy of the Liberal Multi-Culturalists, of course, until they actually turn out horribly wrong.

Unlike a glacier, the illegal alien invasion isn’t an unstoppable force of nature. Building a fence, enforcing existing laws and manning the border will stop the invasion promptly. The overwhelming majority of Americans wants that policy – follow the laws as they are, keep the borders as they are – enforced immediately.

The Kennedy-McCain National Suicide Pact might be a legacy in President Bush’s thinking. That would follow the logic of letting Rumsfeld ignore the Army and experiment with the War in Iraq like McNamara did in Vietnam. It would be thinking in line with Bush’s Wilsonian rhetoric about creating a working democracy in a tribal state, called a country, in a relatively (to the West) barbarian Islamic civilization.

Furthermore, the elite elected officials, Republican and Democrat, who wave away the Rule of Law (meaning enforcing the existing laws) with an arrogant, effete hand gesture, wrongly dismiss their critics as bigots, racists, nativists, anti-Hispanic, or talk radio bullies. Their ignorance of how assimilation works is appalling. Their failure to understand basic economics and fiscal policy is self-evident. They artificially prop up Social Security and Medicare and that is still egregious. Representatives in both parties who do this are setting up their own fall.

The candidate for President in 2008 who unequivocally, clearly, believably stands for enforcing the laws as they are, or repealing this Shamnesty Bill if needed, will win over any weaker candidate. The same thing will happen throughout all but the most Liberal Blue states. It’s a defining moment in political history and party evolution. The “Peopleâ€