This is his email newsletter. I signed up for many of the reps that have them when I was in the fight against CAFTA. Rep. Geoff Davis is in Kentuckys 4th District.

Dear JP,

Yesterday, I participated in a press conference highlighting an important new piece of legislation, the TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act that I am cosponsoring.

I spoke of the dangerous impact illegal immigration has on the country's national security. The bill provides for a border fence along our entire southern border with Mexico, modeled after the highly successful San Diego border fence. The legislation also increases the number of law enforcement officials tasked with apprehending and investigating illegal immigrants and reports of illegal immigrants.

Our country was founded by immigrants, and the American dream is a very strong incentive to someone looking to make a better life. But the porous nature of our borders creates a very dangerous situation that is taken advantage of by terrorists, drug smugglers and human traffickers, all of whom exploit the open border to enter our country. The TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act is a necessary step we must take toward strengthening our borders.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, also:

* Forces the Department of Homeland Security to fully implement the computerized entry-exit system, which allows us to track who's crossing our borders;

*Funds thousands of new Border Patrol officers, immigration investigators, attorneys and immigration judges;

*Removes incentives for illegal immigration by punishing employers who try to circumvent the system;

*Denies birthright to children born to illegal immigrants;

*Fights abuse of the system by stopping illegal immigrants from collecting Social Security;

*Stops employer tax deductions for wages paid to illegal immigrants;

*And punishes those who break the laws by increasing penalties for forging immigrant and identity documents and peddling Social Security cards.

Immigration reform has become one of the most important issues facing Congress today. But a reform package recently introduced by President Bush runs contrary to putting first the country's security. The President's proposal focuses on an amnesty or guest worker program and makes mention of security as a compliment to that program. Under the President's program, guest workers would receive amnesty for three years at which time they would have to leave the country.

Our farms depend on migrant workers and while we encourage people to come to America to find work, it is imperative that they enter legally. With all due respect to the President, we send the wrong message by granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. Any immigration reforms must first focus on security and strengthening our borders as well as immediately deporting all illegal immigrants. Our national security is too important to be considered a secondary part of immigration reform.

I also recently cosponsored the Border Security Improvement Act offered by Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) that specifically directs the Department of Homeland Security to construct a fence along the entire southern border of the United States. I ahve also cosponsored the Real ID/Border Security Act, the Identity Integrity Act, and the Security and Fairness Enhancement for America/SAFE Act, which abolishes the immigration visa lottery program.

Longworth House Office Building | WaDC 20515 shington, |
p: 202-225-3465 | f: 202-225-0003