America's Best Days Behind Us?

Posted by Bobby Eberle
May 21, 2008 at 6:07 am

National pollster Scott Rasmussen has a new survey out which indicates that 47% of respondents feel that "America's best days have come and gone." In contrast, only 39% of respondents feel that "the nation's best days are still to come."

With results like that, it's no wonder that special elections are being won by the Democrats and the outlook for November is not good at all. People are looking for "change," but a closer look at Rasmussen's results shows that "change" may not exactly be what the media portray it to be.

In addition to asking survey respondents about the general state of America, Rasmussen also asked a number of questions to get a general feel of where people stood on the issues.

The national telephone survey found that 62% of voters "would prefer fewer government services with lower taxes." Only 29% favor "bigger government with higher taxes." So, despite the calls from the media and liberals to come up with a government solution for everything (global warming, price controls, and on and on), the majority of American's do not believe in this approach.

In addition, 75% of voters "think people who move to America from other countries should adopt the nation's culture." Only 13% of respondents think people who move to America "should maintain their home country’s culture." Once again, the media and liberals believe one thing, and the American people believe something else. While left-leaning elitists are calling out to "celebrate diversity," the American people are shouting, "Embrace America!"

This sounds alarmingly similar to the ongoing battle between the American people and our elected leaders over illegal immigration. The American people have spoken loudly on issues such as amnesty and a border fence. We have voiced our support for protecting America's borders and NOT rewarding illegal activity with amnesty. Yet, the politicians just don't care.

Herein lies the problem for Republicans. We are being told that America wants "change." In reality, America wants what it was promised. Is that so hard for Washington (especially Republicans) to understand? America is a right-of-center country. We moved away from the huge tax rates of the mid-twentieth century in favor of lower taxes for all. We moved away from big-government programs like life-long welfare and demanded self-reliance. We wanted a balanced budget instead of yearly over-drafts.

So, the American people made their move and started electing more and more Republicans to get the job done. Tax rates were lowered, budgets were balanced, welfare was reformed, and the American people were happy. But, the Republicans in Washington lost track of want the American people wanted and started acting like every other politician. As seen in the Rasmussen survey, America wants smaller government.... so... the Republicans gave them bigger government. America wants less spending.... Republicans gave them more spending. America wants American culture preserved and our borders protected. Republicans tried to give us amnesty legislation and continue to pander to ethnic groups rather than simply supporting conservative principles that benefit all Americans.

Is it any wonder that Americans want "change?" Americans want a right-of-center government, and after three special election losses to the Democrats, it is clear that the have lost faith in Republicans. This is tragic, but what is scary is that in the absence of real leadership, Americans will turn to the Democrats thinking the liberals will give them conservative government.

America's best days are not behind us. We remain a conservative country, but one that is also in search of conservative leadership. Rather than trying to sound like Democrats with programs for each and every ethnicity and demographic group, Republicans simply need to return to conservative principles to win. The American people haven't changed.