Breaking News:

Barletta: Ruling expected tomorrow on illegal immigration ordinance 5:09 p.m.

By Wade Malcolm, Staff Writer

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta is cutting a family vacation short and planning a press conference in anticipation that a federal judge will issue a ruling on Hazleton's illegal immigration ordinance tomorrow afternoon, the mayor said.

"We've waited a long time," said Barletta, who plans to speak at 4 p.m. in the Hazleton City Council chambers. "I'm anxious to hear the decision and move on one way or the other."

Hazleton has been at the heart of a national debate ever since July 2006 when it passed an ordinance punishing landlords and employers for doing business with illegal immigrants. A separate ordinance makes English the official language. Hundreds of municipalities around the country - and at least two dozen in Northeastern Pennsylvania - passed or considered copycat laws.

The American Civil Liberties Union and several other advocacy groups sued the city in federal court on behalf of several residents and community groups, arguing the ordinance infringed on the civil rights of Latinos and the federal government's sole authority to regulate immigration. A nine-day trial was held in March at the William J. Nealon Federal Building in Scranton.

Tomorrow's anticipated decision could set the legal precedent for whether local governments can pass laws dealing with illegal immigration.

Read more in tomorrow's Citizens' Voice.
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