Immigration reform
Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Legislature's illegal immigration reform package cleared its second major hurdle Wednesday when the Senate passed its version. Here's a look at what the Senate plan includes:

--Expands worker verification requirement to private employers. The House bill put requirements in place for only government agencies and public contractors.

--Allows any U.S. resident replaced by an illegal worker to sue the employer if the employer knew an illegal immigrant was involved.

--Authorizes the State Law Enforcement Division to negotiate the ability to enforce federal immigration laws.

--Requires jails to verify immigration status for certain prisoners and directs the state to bill federal government for detention and other costs.

--Requires state agencies to verify immigration status for anyone seeking public benefits, although children are excepted. Humanitarian work done by church groups or nonprofit agencies is also excluded.

--Makes harboring or transporting illegal immigrants a felony. ... form30633/