Quote Originally Posted by SOSADFORUS
This is really wonderful news and I am so happy that a Judge was willing to make a stand for Americans and our constitution.

But, wasn't there an article on here last week that Caltran was thinking of suspending that program.....of course even if they do it is a win for our side, and this would really be the chicken way out if they did suspend it, it would also have great implications that they are being bought off or under threat from someone.

Caltrans had better be very careful about taking that course of action - closing a program for all to spite one.

Remember a while back during the vehicle registration cutback by Arnold he had to fire someone in the DMZ who flat out decided to disobey an executive order. The person in question basically played the "I'm gonna drag my feet leaving the sandbox" petty behavior indicative of the lack of a grownup.

Caltrans is dangerously close to doing the same thing...

Arnold would have to fire someone and get ugly because:

1. The message to the public would be: "There are no grownups in California government." (That certainly doesn't help him...)

2. It would force his hand in terms of political action - revealing his true stances and agenda even more. Would also display more of his "trying to have it both ways behavior" further making mockery of his "girlymen" statement awhile back. It would get him more flack from the OBL.

You can bet that when that article with the rumor appeared, Caltrans got a pretty quick call from the Governor's office...
