Dolores Huerta Speaks To Local Highschoolers
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Santa Ynez, CA-- Students at Santa Ynez High School got a first-hand civics lesson from a prominent figure in California's history.

Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America travels coast-to-coast, speaking about social justice and public policy.

A gymnasium full of teens listened to the petite, mother of 11, who referred to the students as the "fix it generation."

Huerta pointed out the three groups she believes are under attack today in our country: women, gays and lesbians, and so-called "illegals."

Huerta reminded students of the contributions undocumented workers make in this country by picking our food, cleaning our buildings and often, raising our children.

Story Updated: Nov 13, 2009 at 5:52 PM PST