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  1. #21
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Lou Dobbs-North American Union

    From "Lou Dobbs Tonight" of June 21, 2006

    The CNN video segment at (Dobbs 2006) has been removed by CNN, so we would like to provide you with a transcript of this segment from CNN's website, where a transcript of the whole show is still on file, as well as the first time we saw Lou Dobbs mention this issue, in 2005. That 2005 clip can be found here.

    The notes below are quoted verbatim from CNN's transcript of the June 21, 2006 show, and reflect all that was said during this segment of the show.

    "DOBBS: Lisa, thank you very much -- Lisa Sylvester.

    The Bush administration's open-borders policy and its decision to ignore the enforcement of this country's immigration laws is part of a broader agenda. President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States as we know it, and he took the step without approval from either the U.S. Congress or the people of the United States.

    Bill Tucker reports.


    BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America sounds benign, hardly like a policy that critics call NAFTA on steroids. It's a deal that few have even heard of.

    REP. MARCY KAPTUR (D), OHIO: It's being done, again, by very few people at the very top, on behalf of the investment class. But the working class of people, political officials across our country from communities, from cities and so forth, they don't know anything about this.

    TUCKER: Yet, it was agreed to by Mexico's President Fox, Canada's Prime Minister Martin, and President Bush in 2005.

    The administration officials counter their critics by saying everything about SPP is on the White House Web site. And they say the partnership is not a treaty, but more of an outline of priorities between the United States, Mexico and Canada. Still, some wonder why there haven't been public discussions about the goals being pursued. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This SPP includes, for instance, a committee that is sitting down to harmonize our meat inspection and food safety. So, how far away from a trade agreement can your dining room table and what you feed your kids be?

    TUCKER: Other parts of the agreement mention border security as an issue, which include all of North America. In fact, the name of the agreement is not Security and Prosperity of the United States, but of North America.

    PETER MORICI, PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: When we elect officials, we expect them to act on our behalf. When we get involved in cooperative frameworks with other countries for joint regulation of fisheries or rail transportation or the skies, we're basically sharing our sovereignty with that government and outsourcing some of what we give our elected officials.

    TUCKER: As disturbing as some find SPP, there is legislation in the House introduced by Florida's Katherine Harris that closely resembles the goals of the partnership.


    TUCKER: Included in that bill is a section which calls for the securing of Mexico's southern border by the United States and Canada.

    Lou, that's not the border with the United States. That's the border they share with Belize and Guatemala.

    DOBBS: The idea that the White House would respond that this is on their Web site, this involves intricate workings amongst the Commerce Department of this country and Canada and Mexico's, of course.

    A regional prosperity and security program? This is absolute ignorance. And the fact that we are -- we reported this, we should point out, when it was signed. But, as we watch this thing progress, these working groups are continuing. They're intensifying. What in the world are these people thinking about?

    TUCKER: Well, they say, look, these are a declaration and an outline of our priorities.

    And when I called them today, Lou, they said I was the first phone call they had received literally since the deal was first signed. So, people are not paying attention. And they're letting them, in fact, get away with this.

    DOBBS: You know, I was asked the other day about whether or not I really thought the American people had the stomach to stand up and stop this nonsense, this direction from a group of elites, an absolute contravention of our law, of our Constitution, every national value.

    And I hope, I pray that I'm right when I said yes. But this is -- I mean, this is beyond belief.

    Bill Tucker, thank you very much."

    This is an excerpt from the whole transcript of the show archived at CNN: ... dt.01.html.

    (quote) ... cript.html
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  2. #22
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    New concerns tonight about moves toward what some call a North America union. A number of high-level government meetings are taking place in Mexico to discuss North American integration of Mexico, the United States and Canada. More meetings are scheduled. It is an aggressive agenda proposed at the highest levels of our government and U.S. commerce, without congressional or voter oversight.

    Lisa Sylvester reports.


    LISA SYLVESTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A caravan of cars travels along the Arizona desert. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff was visiting the U.S.-Mexican border. Last week, he was in Mexico City.

    Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez visited Mexico February 1st. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales January 11th. And President Bush himself will travel there next month.

    The high-level meetings are to advance North American integration, also known as the Security Prosperity Partnership.

    JIM EDWARDS, NUMBERSUSA: There are several ways it could go. One is modeled after the EU. One is modeled after sort of the -- an economic community. It's beyond the scope of just a trade, free trade zone, which we fairly well have already with those two countries.

    SYLVESTER: This partnership is being driven by the U.S. business community, which envisions ships from China docking in Mexico instead of California, Mexican truck drivers transporting cargo on a NAFTA super highway, all the way to Canada. A cornerstone of this model is a guest worker immigration program that relaxes U.S. borders.

    Critics say the plan would greatly benefit Mexico but could mean the loss of American jobs and an increase in social costs to U.S. taxpayers.

    ROBERT RECTOR, HERITAGE FOUNDATION: The reality is that last year they came close to passing a bill which would have allowed close to 100 million immigrants into the country, most them low skilled, over the next 20 years. That will in fact bankrupt the United States.

    SYLVESTER: Those concerned with integrating the economies point to the disparities. The U.S. GDP per capita is $43,500. Canada, $35,200. Mexico, only $10,600.

    The average adult in the United States has 12 years of education. In Canada, 11.5 years. Mexico, only a little over seven years of schooling.


    SYLVESTER: And this Friday, another round of top-level meetings in Canada. Secretary Michael Chertoff, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez will be meeting with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts.

    Now, the press releases say the focus will be on providing for the free flow of trade, helping secure borders, and keeping the U.S. competitive. But Lou, really what they're talking about is this new economic integration -- Lou.

    DOBBS: And Congress is sitting basically on its hands, saying nothing, hearing nothing, apparently, as we continue to report on this outright outrageous conduct. SYLVESTER: And it is even possible that Congress may not even have a say. What we are hearing is that the Bush administration is trying to use NAFTA as the justification for doing a lot of this -- Lou.

    DOBBS: This is an arrogance and abuse of power that frankly this administration is laying a claim on for the history books to be written for years to come. It's extraordinary.

    If you want -- we should let our viewers know, Lisa, that if they want to write their congressmen or their senators, they can go to our Web site,, and there select your congressional district and whoever's representing you and your family, or your senator, or both, and you can send an e-mail there with your thoughts on this.

    This is outrageous.

    Lisa, thank you very much for keeping us up to date.

    Lisa Sylvester from Washington.
    (quote) ... dt.01.html
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  3. #23
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    By Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

    September 6, 2006

    Is SPP an Executive Branch Coup d'Etat?

    Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez has declared advancing the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America to one of his top goals, writing in a letter archived on the Department of Commerce website that “I have made the SPP one of my top priorities and will utilize the talents and expertise of the people across the Department of Commerce to ensure the SPP is a success.â€
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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