Friday, June 22, 2007

Senate Goes Home [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

An update from the minority leader's office:

After completing work on the No-Energy Bill Thursday night, the Senate reached agreement on the schedule for the union and immigration bills. There are no roll call votes until Tuesday at 11:30. And please try to contain your disappointment, but the Senate will NOT be in session this weekend. Enjoy the four-day weekend.

On Tuesday at 11:30, the Senate will proceed to the union bill (H.R. 800) and a vote to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the bill (read more on the bill here ).

Following that vote, the Senate will vote on cloture on the motion to proceed to the immigration bill (S. 1639). After all post-cloture debate is used or yielded back, there will be 20 minutes of debate on a budget point of order before further proceedings on the bill.

06/22 10:40 AM