I posted the article first and then the comments from readers. The more I read the comments on these articles, the more I realize if these politicians want to keep their cushy jobs, they better get with the program. NO ONE wants these illegals to stay here except greedy politicians and business owners!


June 24, 2007
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Share Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., is defending his support of the proposed immigration reform bill and challenging his opponents to put forth better solutions.

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"Where are they? We know what they're against. What are they for?," he said of the bill's opponents in an exclusive "This Week" interview with George Stephanopoulos. "We have a terrible problem in this country that demands an answer."

"The reason we're going to pass this bill is because it's tough, fair and practical," Kennedy predicted.

He suggested weaknesses in the bill could be dealt with after the legislation passes.

"If we get this legislation -- and it's good legislation -- passed, then we can strengthen it, then we can improve it, then we can deal with some of these kinds of issues," he said.

When asked about waning support for the bill, particularly among Hispanic populations, Kennedy admitted, "There are groups that are opposed to this."

But the senator reiterated his belief "that doing nothing is not an alternative. The problem is going to grow worse."

In a separate interview, Stephanopoulos asked Sen. Jeff Session, R-Ala., whether Kennedy has the support to pass the bill.

"Well, you know, I think they felt they did ... but the support for it continues to erode," Sessions said. "A lot of key senators that were thought to be supportive have announced in recent days that they don't support it."

Sessions, who opposes the bill, said, "We need to go back, reevaluate it, and create something we can be proud of."

"We're going to use every effort to slow this process down and continue to hold up the bill, and read it to the American people, and show them that even though they may favor the ideals of the legislation, that the legislation won't get us there," Sessions said.

The senators also fielded questions on their relationships with President Bush and his position on the bipartisan bill.

"He's selling, and a lot of people believe in a vision of comprehensive reform, which I share," Sessions said of his disagreement with Bush over immigration. "My difficulty is [that] this bill will not achieve that vision."

In defense of his alliance with the president on the issue, Kennedy said, "I am the legislator. I want to get things done. And when the president is right in terms of immigration, I'm going to support that policy."

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But Kennedy made clear that he has not always supported the president. The senator, calling the war in Iraq, "the major foreign policy disaster of our time," characterized his vote against the war as "the best vote I ever cast in my life in the United States Senate."

On a timetable for troop withdrawal, Kennedy said he believed the troop surge is not working and predicted, "The president's going to get a timetable again. And we're going to keep at it until we're successful."

Sessions explained why he is opposed to a politically-determined timetable.

"The sooner we can reduce our numbers the better," he said. "But if staying a little longer, delaying that movement could help make a decisive difference in success or failure, then I think we have to adjust.

And now, the voice of We The People:

first of all, they aren't aliens. they are illegal criminals. second of all, anyone that believes that these criminals work for a fraction of minimum wage is stupid. also to this worthless jesus character. dude, you need to go back to your fantasy land of eternal damnation brought about by a talking snake.
Posted by:
iamthegerm 6:16 PMMark As Violation
It has nothing to do with hating the illegal immigrant and everything to do with the rule of law. We are a nation founded on this principle. I was a Democrat until recently. This issue and talk radio helped me out of my coma and into an educated, rational decision on the issue, not one based on emotion. If this bill passes, it will be another form of legalized indentureship and slavery. We fought a war amongst aourselves over this. I though it was the left that was against slavery then. Oh, and by th way, I will be voting Conservative going forward. I'm telling others to do the same.
Posted by:
gr8estdaddy 6:06 PMMark As Violation
God please forgive them as they insult their own brothers and sisters, as they judge others not knowing that they will be judged, as they hate as much as they hate their lifes, because only you lord can open their eyes and their hearts, so they can see you inside of every human being. Make this world free of hate and racist actions. AMEN
Posted by:
jesus_b3 5:57 PMMark As Violation
Obviously, Senator Kennedy has not been listening to any of the discussions on why this legislation is an abomination. There have been several first rate suggestions from public figures regarding a path to REAL immigration reform. First, a reliable ID that allows law enforcement and employers to know who they are dealing with, when they arrived in the country and what their employment/citizenship status is. As immigrants work their way through the system, the ID will need to be updated to reflect their changed status.Second, no employment, no benefits other than emergency medical for anyone in the country illegally. That means no drivers license, no voting, no food stamps, no public education period.Draconian fines or imprisonment for employers who insist on hiring illegals in contravention of the law.Real background checks BEFORE they come across the border except for tourism. No probationary BS. If you have a felony history in Mexico or the US or have ties to gangs or other organized crime, no resident status - ever. If the Mexican authorities don't want to cooperate, refuse to allow anyone to immigrate until they do. If you are illegal you can't work, you can't draw welfare and you can't bring all your relatives in because they can't work either. No work, no life, no reason to come here.For those who are already here, no job until they get the ID. No job, no reason to stay. If they have had children while here, they can either go home, taking the kids with them, go through the legal process of applying for resident alien status and return, stay here and starve, stay here and live off their children or just go home.I liked the idea of employees snitching off their employers. American businesses have become addicted to very cheap labor. Congress must help them fight this addiction.We obviously need some smarter people in congress. wygent
Posted by:
wygent 5:57 PMMark As Violation
A very good point was brought up, "Hold employers accountable ". There is a law on the books which was meant to do just that , it is called the I-9 law . Passed after the last amnesty debacle . If it were enforced since it's passage , we would not be here having this conversation right here right now. Flat out , just quit back peddaling and get real . By not enforcing the I-9 it is plainly clear that Washington does not intend to stick to anything which would resolve the illegal status of border jumpers , and we know they might be Osama Bin Ladens henchmen .
Posted by:
bg14truth 5:55 PMMark As Violation
The truth is evident: The American public is 90% against this bill. ANY senator who supports it is going wished of those citizens he was elected to represent. Obviously, the hidden agenda is infinitely more important to the real "powers-that-be" than attempting to reinforce any modern illusion that "majority rule" or "the will of the people" mean anything any more. This country is already overrun with illegal aliens. This administration has already proven they have no intention of enforcing our borders. This administration has also proven that they will outright lie to further their agenda (still no sign of Osama, hunh? ...), and think that laws such as "due process" and "The Geneva Convention" only apply when they say it does. ATTENTION REPUBLICANS: THERE IS NOTHING -- REPEAT "NOTHING" -- "CONSERVATIVE" ABOUT THIS ADMINSTRATION. WE, THE INFORMED PEOPLE, ARE WELL AWARE THAT THIS ADMINISTRATION IS SELLING US OUT TO BIG OIL AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The reason that the democrats won control in the last election is because people are sick of being sold out and want change. VOTE "YES" ON THIS BILL AND YOU WILL NOT BE RE-ELECTED -- DESPITE YOUR SHINIEST RHETORIC. It's time that we stop passing new laws and start enforcing what we already have. How can an administration which so blatantly has sent the message to our Border Patrol agents (God help them ...) NOT to do their jobs, and left them so miserably understaffed, claim to be "fighting a war against terrorism"??
Posted by:
johnmarkmcguire 5:50 PMMark As Violation
It's the status quo a new way of SLAVERY?Is that what a senator from Alabama is after?How do you pray on Sunday if you are against your brother?Or is a diferent God that he prays to?
Posted by:
jesus_b3 5:50 PMMark As Violation
The haters are losing... and they know it! It is sweet to see that the SUPPORTERS of compassion, fairness, empathy, and justice are WINNING here in America. This red-neck SUPPORTS immigrants' rights!
Posted by:
bottomline765 5:48 PMMark As Violation
Ragebotjr: Great ideas except one, we don’t need a fence. We need a wall. A high wall heavily guarded. Few Americans outside DC want amnesty for illegal aliens. Only those who employ them for a fraction of minium wage and those who are related to the illegals. Americans do not want illegal aliens here (I refuse to use the work “immigrantâ€