Shock, Awe from Illegal Alien Paradise: California Faces Budget Crisis!
John Lillpop Sunday, November 20, 2011

After electing the ‘mooniest’ of all bats to be Governor, California voters have no valid reason to be shocked or awed by the fact that the state once regarded as paradise is being transformed into a third-world trash heap.

Moon bean Governor Jerry Brown, aided and abetted by a Democrat-dominated state legislature, faces huge budget short falls as documented in the Legislative Analyst Office report found here.

It turns out that some of the revenue projections made by the state are not being fulfilled, leading to nasty imbalances and the need for even greater spending cuts.

Even more bad news looms for the 73-year-old radical: Brown had hoped to reform the pension program for state employees as a means for dealing with outrageous spending.

However, as reported in the San Jose Mercury News, “California’s top government analyst dealt a blow to Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed pension reforms Tuesday, suggesting that making substantial changes to the benefits of current workers is almost certainly illegal. If the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office is correct, it leaves Brown in a difficult bind as he seeks to contain a rapidly escalating expense blamed for many of the state’s budget woes. Once pension benefits are granted, the LAO said, workers and their unions cannot lose them unless they agree to give them up.â€