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Opinion - Saturday, August 18, 2007

Society can't overlook the actions of criminals

Your views



It would seem Arturo Corso likes to talk a lot about honesty and truth, but when you look at his words, it seems that he believes in a "truth" he can twist and change to support his agenda.

In his letter to The Times, he stated, "Even this fall, Georgians will have to bring just the right kind of photo ID with them to exercise their right to vote. Can you guess who is hurt most by this new hoop?"

Corso is implying that the voter ID Law is an instrument of racism used by conservatives. When it fits his agenda of trying to discredit conservatives, he's against IDs, yet on his very own political Web page, Corso states that he supports, "... requiring all residents to obtain a photo ID card showing the persons name, address, DOB, and thumb-print."

So which is the truth?

Could his present stance just be a case of a politician being against any measure that would prohibit someone who is not a legal citizen of this country from placing an illegal vote, especially if they have future political aspirations? You be the judge.

As far as "marching orders," it seems he want's to see an unlimited supply of illegals marching across our borders, after all, also according to his own Web site he "... proudly speaks English and Spanish fluently ... handling mostly indigent, court-appointed cases at a time when few others were able to help the county handle its enormous case load."

It's no secret that the reason our courts in this county have such an "enormous case load" is because of the enormous population of illegal immigrants who have chosen to come here to our county, take advantage of all the social benefits, ignore and break our laws, and then demand that we like it!

Well, we don't like it and it has nothing to do with any so called "marching orders." We can think for ourselves. The majority of the citizens of Hall County don't benefit one dime from criminals marching across our borders.

Most of the citizens of this county like myself, live, work, worship and enjoy the friendship and fellowship of a diverse group of people of many races , including those of Hispanic origin. Yet because we are against people, any people, taking advantage of us we are labeled "racist." When we say we are against "illegal immigration" but we support those who choose to enter the country the right way, obey our laws and contribute to the good of the community, Mr. Corso says "hooey."

Yes, even illegal immigrants are "human beings," as Mr. Corso stated, but so is every single person who has committed a crime of any kind. If we should ignore our immigration laws because illegal aliens are coming here to provide a better life for their family, shouldn't we also ignore the laws for those who would steal for that same reason? Our laws need to be enforced, period.

Perhaps, that truth just doesn't fit his agenda.

Marlon Veal


Originally published Saturday, August 18, 2007