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Stand up, America!
by Joseph Farah
Posted: July 15, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of America being bullied, extorted, threatened, ridiculed and shamed.

It is particularly revolting when these degrading insults come from people living, working and prospering right here in the good old USA.

And it is enough to make me spit when foreigners come to this country to live and work and maintain their hostile, anti-U.S. positions – and no one calls them on it!

Take, for example, former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda, who testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee earlier this week.

His bellicose appearance didn't exactly make big news, but it was worthy of headlines.

He told senators, four days after the bombings on the London transit system and one day after WND revealed evidence al-Qaida has already used the Mexican border to bring nuclear devices into the United States along with thousands of sleeper agents: "No border security is possible without Mexican cooperation" and that "there can be no cooperation without some sort of immigration reform package."

Please note that Castaneda is now a professor at New York University. He's living the good life in Manhattan – at least until the next terror strike on the city that never sleeps.

He went on to describe immigration reform as amnesty for all Mexicans living illegally in the United States, the admission of some 5 million additional Mexican citizens to the United States over the next 10 years, and massive increases in U.S. aid to that country.

In exchange for the legalization of millions of Mexicans and billions of dollars in U.S. "assistance," Castaneda said Mexico would offer "tough" but "non-coercive" assistance in the effort to prevent terrorists from entering the United States via Mexico.

Castaneda conceded Mexico has lost control of its own southern border, and cannot verify the true identities of people to whom it has issued ID documents.

As Dan Stein, president of the Federation on American Immigration Reform, put it:

Jorge Castaneda is not some obscure voice from Mexico's distant political past. He served as foreign minister in the current Mexican administration. It is imperative that the [Vicente] Fox government issue a formal repudiation of Castaneda's remarks and assure the American public that their cooperation in the war against terrorism will not come at the price of extortion.

Most surprising about this testimony, however, was not the irresponsible comments of a member of the Mexican political elite, but the reaction of U.S. senators to this blatant blackmail by a man whose own immigration status needs investigation.

Senators, including John McCain and Richard Lugar – tacitly, meekly and embarrassingly – accepted Castenada's demands for open borders as a legitimate price for yet another empty promise from Mexico of cooperation in dealing with the very real infiltration of our border by terrorists using Mexico as their launching pad.

This is tantamount to an act of war.

As Stein put it:

When anyone, much less a former foreign minister of a supposedly friendly nation, comes before a committee of the United States Senate, and issues ultimatums and thinly veiled threats against the United States, one would expect outrage and condemnation from members of Congress.

Instead, we got meek acquiescence or deafening silence from the members who were present. If the government of Mexico is not prepared to join us in this struggle, without conditions, then it cannot claim to be an ally and our government must view them as such. Allies do not engage in extortion.

FAIR is calling upon the Bush administration and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to protest formally Castaneda's demands with the Mexican government.

"If Colin Powell were to make similarly outrageous demands in a foreign capital, we would expect a reply and repudiation from the American government," he said. "We should expect no less from the current government of Mexico."