Stop the invasion ... and do it now!

Posted: February 26, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Focus on San Francisco.

First: Immigrant-rights activists are on a tear demanding the federal crackdown on working illegals be stopped – now!

''There should be no enforcement of immigration law ... there's no way for people to become legal residents.'' That's what Renee Saucedo, director of the city's Day Labor Program told the S.F. Chronicle. She wants our immigration law reformed.

By that, she means, make illegals, legal – now, with all the benefits.

The few hundred arrests in the Bay area are part of nationwide raids by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, which has so far conducted some 13,000 arrests of illegals.

So what does the city of St. Francis do? Why, react with umbrage! Since San Francisco is officially a ''sanctuary city,'' one of scores across the country, it doesn't cooperate with enforcement of immigration law. Unless, we're told, it's ordered to do so under force of law.

What law? Who knows? Apparently no one deems it important enough to end this blatant, seditious response to immigration laws intended to protect the sovereignty of our nation.

Second: San Francisco's congressional representative, and now Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants a college education to be available to everyone, including illegals.

She's pushing the Dream Act, which would allow illegals who graduate from U.S. high schools, have lived here for five years and arrived before age 15, to pay in-state tuition for college.

But there's a grand prize. Once enrolled, they'd get 6 years of legal residence in which to complete two years of college credit or military service.

Do that, says Madame Speaker, and they'll earn citizenship.

How about that!

It's estimated the plan will cost billions. Where's that coming from?

Pelosi says increasing the deficit isn't an option.

One can assume raising taxes is.

Third: Another San Francisco connection: Bank of America Corp, was founded in San Francisco as the Bank of Italy in 1904, by Amadeo Giannini, the son of legal immigrants, to help immigrants get started.

He must be rolling in his grave.

Bank of America Corp, now headquartered in North Carolina, announced its plan to make credit cards available to – essentially, anyone – especially those with no Social Security number.

Just be here, maintain a checking account for 3 months with no bounced checks and you're in.

ID? Whatever works. Even the Mexican government Matricula Consular ID card, handed out like candy, will do.

BofA tried the plan in heavily Hispanic L.A. It worked.

No kidding.

It's being rolled out in other cities.

Reaction was swift. Some commended it, but the backlash was intense, ranging from negative media, to account and mortgage cancellations and planned boycotts.

It rattled BofA enough that CEO Kenneth Lewis went on the defense in the Wall Street Journal. He says the plan complies with the Patriot Act.

Hey, I thought the Patriot Act was supposed to be too strict!

He also said the program can help people become long-term customers. He went on, saying BofA ''does not deliberately market financial products and services to illegal immigrants.''

Bet he couldn't say that with a straight face.

No matter how it's dressed up, BofA is aiding and abetting illegals, people who have no legal right to be in this country. What the bank is doing is illegal and it should stop. Now.

If, by some fluke, it's not illegal, it should be. Now.

And while they're at it, BofA should be required to turn over the data about those customers to the feds so they can be deported.

Where is the president of the United States?

He's supposed to be the leader of our country.

He was elected by the citizens – the same citizens who elected the members of Congress.

In fact, where is Congress? Why are those people complicit in the direct betrayal of this country?

And no, I'm not talking about invading Iraq.

I'm talking about the invasion of this country by people crossing the border illegally. The Pew Hispanic Center says that last year there were some 12 million illegals here – other estimates put it at 20 to 30 million. Every single person broke our immigration law. They decided to come to this country knowing full well they could break the law and get away with it.

They did it and our elected government on every level allows it, often giving a helping hand.

What happened to the oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution? What happened to the rule of law?

What's happened is that elected officials on every level of government have sold us out. They have the power of their position to give the back of their hands to American citizens who see what's happening and want it stopped but are powerless to do anything about it.

How else do you explain senators like Kennedy and McCain backing legislation that will not only forgive the illegals who are here, making it easy for them to gain citizenship, but open the door to legal entry for their extended families. That could mean upwards of 50 million or more over the next 15 to 20 years.

Those two men aren't alone in Congress on both sides of the aisle. The bill is in committee and could be up for floor vote within weeks. They're all pandering for the votes of these ''new'' citizens.

It's disgusting and what's worse, President Bush supports the idea.

What happened to his oath of office? What is he thinking? Why isn't the president standing up for the country instead of trying to pacify the internationalists and big business wanting cheap labor? Not the least is his naοve view that it's the obligation of the United States to be nice to those people.

Nice? Nice has nothing to do with it and no, we can't afford it.

The president and every elected official should be looking at reality – the burden on our schools, hospitals and entire medical system, social service programs, penal system, legal system, health system, housing, Social Security, Medicare and more – to say nothing of the quality of life and changing the culture of the U.S. forever.

But no, we're told that the illegals are just like us, wanting to provide for their families.

But they're not just like us because they're not American citizens. It's an important and crucial difference.

We're here legally; they are not.

As citizens, we can access social services because we pay for them. Illegal aliens are not entitled to them for free.

Somewhere along the way, the difference between legal and illegal became blurred. It hasn't helped that do good groups and many churches, including the Roman Catholic Church, have taken the position that the law be damned.

Such a position is unseemly for organizations which are based on right and wrong, good and evil.

This acceptance of lawlessness has resulted in anyone questioning it being labeled ''racist.''

Racism has nothing to do with it. The standard applies to anyone from any country who crosses our borders illegally.

While everyone is all lathered about poor Mexican farmers, is there any concern that we have no idea how many millions of illegals are from China and other Asian countries, from Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Europe?

Who are they? Could they have terrorist ties? How would we know? Does it bother anyone that intelligence sources report Middle Eastern men are learning Spanish and passing as Hispanic. Do we care? If not, why not?

It's wrong, it's illegal and quite frankly, it's immoral. This country was built by the sweat and blood of people who came here legally to build a new life.

Millions of them and their children wore the uniform of our military and engaged in wars to protect this country and our freedoms. Their blood was spilled and their lives given to perpetuate and safeguard this country and what it stands for: equality and freedom.

That our elected officials are betraying them and us – is shameful.

Some might say treasonous.

They plan to live here, benefit from our way of life, partake in our generous social services but not become citizens, unless of course, we make a gift of citizenship. Many of them work here but send billions of those earned U.S dollars back home. Many others get involved in crime and the number of illegals in our prison system speaks to that. But it is an invasion, carried out both in broad daylight and under the cover of night, in secrecy and right before our eyes.

It's been going on for years, has gotten worse and virtually nothing is being done about it.

The president and Congress are charged by the Constitution with governing and protecting this country.

They all willingly ran for office and after winning election, enjoy the power and perks of their office. Unfortunately, governing and protecting has devolved into personal interests and partisan politics – and the country be damned. ... E_ID=54433