September 26th, 2009 and to go to the legislative member list go to

KFYI news was using a new report from Arizona Advocacy Network an open border, pro Amnesty group. The Arizona Advocacy Network report is the same old Amnesty at any cost crowd:
The same old lies and mis-information from the Amnesty at any cost crowd. We know the left, open border/anarchist and the cheap labor, profits over patriotism crowd, will sue us. However I have been to court 7 times to defend Proposition 200 and won 7 times (that one was simply to stop voting fraud and welfare fraud and they still sued to stop it from being enforced), I have been to court 5 times with worksite enforcement/employers sanctions (Arizona’s Fair and Legal Employment Act) and have won all 5 times including the 9th Circuit (the most liberal court in the nation). We are currently in court on Prop. 100 a Constitutional Amendment that denies bail to illegal aliens that commit serious and violent felonies in our state. (The deep pocket left never give up on protecting those who break the law over those who are law abiding legal citizens).
According to the Heritage Foundation illegal aliens cost taxpayers 3 to 4 times that of native born Americans. According to Maricopa County Criminal Justice info, they commit violent crimes almost 3 times that of native born Americans. They take jobs from Americans. According to Harvard University Professor George Borjas the cost to Arizona workers are over $1.4 billion a year in lower wages. The spin must stop.
There are those who continue to report false and inaccurate information to benefit their arguments in order to gain political power or profits while Americans pay the price. They include legal immigrants with illegal aliens and call them all immigrants. There is a big difference. I respect and support legal immigrants. I do not support law breakers. I support the rule of law and the Constitutional rights of our citizens to have our laws enforce without apology and I recognize the damage in billions of dollars in cost to incarcerate, medicate and educate illegal aliens. I recognize the cost in maimings and killing of Americans by illegal aliens. A Congressional report indicates that 9,000 Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens. 25 per day, 12 by stabbings and shootings and 13 by DUI and related crimes. That is just collateral damage to the deceptive, treasonous, open border crowd. Enough is enough.
Today the only reason our immigration laws are not enforced are Political, not a lack of Authority.
This Citizens Initiative will pass by 70% to 80% by the voters. The last four (4) Propositions I placed on the ballot in ‘06 passed by an average of 75%.

In accordance with the Unanimous endorsement of a Resolution by the State Republican Party and the Maricopa County Republican Party at their annual organizational meetings with over 800 PC’s present at each meeting and in order to support our citizens Constitutional right to have our laws enforced and recognizing the damage in cost in crime and dollars to Arizona citizens and taxpayers; I will be filing a Citizens Initiative to remove/end all sanctuary policies in the state of Arizona. No more Catch & Release. We the legal and lawful citizens demand the enforcement of our laws.

I will run legislation again also. I hope the Speaker will agree as has President Burns to help me get this out of the Senate the very first week of Session (if we cannot get it in a Special Session Call). I need the same commitment from Speaker Kirk Adams. The Governor’s staff has indicated the Governor is in support and will sign the legislation. I just need to get it to her. The Citizens Initiative is good backup, to make sure the people have the last say if for some reason we do not get the legislation passed in the legislature and signed by the Governor. It will cost us thousands and thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours getting signatures to get the Citizens Initiative qualified and on the ballot, a challenge I and others are willing to take on. So let us put most of our energy in this effort in getting the bill passed out of the legislature and signed by the Governor. This is critical legislation for Arizona and the nation as we lead the nation in our efforts and over 30 states are modeling legislation after us. Let’s Take Back America One State at a Time!!!!! Phoenix Law Enforcement Association has agreed to be the Treasure of the Citizens Initiative Effort.