This is the section on illegal immigration.


"I am also proposing a $100 million investment in a more secure border. There is no such thing as homeland security without border security. It is not hyperbole to say terrorists view our international border with Mexico as a prime point of entry – that is the conclusion of the U.S. intelligence community.

"While the vast majority of people who come here illegally are economic migrants simply seeking a better life, the small percentage seeking to cause us harm don’t dress differently. Nor do they put out press advisories in advance of their arrival. They don’t want us to know they are here until they have done mortal damage to our people.

"The best plan to secure our border involves intensive operations with federal, state and local officials working together to seal off common illegal crossings. So far we have used all available resources to fund additional patrol hours, new vehicles, and new technology for local law enforcement.

"We have caught drug traffickers and human smugglers off guard and reduced crime in remote border regions so often exploited by criminal operatives.

"The key element to our success has been the work of local law enforcement officials, such as border sheriffs. Today we are fortunate enough to have some of these heroes in our midst. Please join me in welcoming the members of the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition.

"I support strategic fencing in urban areas along the border. But I also believe, like border sheriffs, that the best solution involves added manpower, not unmanned walls.

"That is why I ask you to fund a $100 million effort that will expand patrols, purchase new technology and protect the border from drug traffickers, human smugglers and other criminal thugs that seek to destroy our way of life.

"Immigration reform is a federal issue. That’s why I urge Congress to pass reform that respects the rule of law. That means two things: those who come here illegally should not be rewarded with amnesty. And it also means those who hire illegal aliens should face tough penalties.

"Ultimately, the best way to crack down on illegal hiring practices is for Congress to finally pass a guest worker program. A guest worker program recognizes the contributions of foreign workers and captures their income in our tax system, ensuring they contribute to the public services we provide them. And a guest worker program will help us know who crosses our border legally rather than not knowing who crosses our border illegally.

"Illegal immigration is a problem felt deeply by Texas, while too often ignored by Washington.

"So in the spirit of that mythical holiday, Festivus, let me begin the airing of grievances with Washington.

"It is time Washington met its obligations in paying for the costs of illegal immigration. Our hospitals, schools and law enforcement agencies deserve more than praise – they deserve the appropriate level of federal reimbursement."