Illegal Alien Loving Brownback To Drop Out Of Presidential Race
By Digger

Senator Sam Brownback is the first candidate running for president in 2008 who is reaping the reward he gets for voting in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens. Now voters don't support him and they aren't donating money. Brownback became known as Senator Switchback when he initially voted in favor of cloture of the Senate's Comprehensive Immigration Reform amnesty and then voted against the bill.

If you missed his moment of idiocy where he changed his vote in a span of 11 minutes from supporting amnesty for illegal aliens to not supporting amnesty for illegal aliens you can see the video below:

I'm happy to see him go and will be looking forward to the day Senator John McCain - and all those who support amnesty for illegal aliens - get their just due.

Besides money, Brownback's support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants hurt him in Iowa, an early-voting state that has struggled to provide education, medical care and other services as the number of immigrants has more than doubled since 1990.

Eat it Brownback!

Tipped by: Michelle Malkin

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