Time To Stand Up For America
Bill Haymin

Bill Haymin
July 3, 2007
By Phyllis Schlafly


How can we re-motivate and reactivate the coalition of fiscal, national defense, social, and economic conservatives who gave Ronald Reagan his tremendous victories in 1980 and 1984? How can we reach out to the Middle Americans, the Reagan Democrats, who have been steadily slipping away from the conservative movement during the Bush 41 and Bush 43 administrations?

We can win them back to the conservative cause by a campaign called Stand Up for America because these voters are patriotic, they love our country, and they are family oriented. Many of them come from a tradition of voting Democratic and they need powerful reasons to vote conservative Republican.

We defeated the Equal Rights Amendment with mostly pro-family Democratic legislators who are God, Family, and Country people. They will not vote for the party of big business, but they will vote for leaders who stand up for American jobs.

The Middle Class is hurting today because so many have lost jobs from the outsourcing of U.S. plants overseas. Some of these Americans have seen their good jobs just vanish as their plants closed. Three million good manufacturing jobs have gone to foreign countries. Our government has failed to do anything to protect American workers from the way that foreign governments bribe U.S. companies to relocate overseas, cheat us with their anti-American tax policies, and steal our technology and intellectual property. 200,000 American jobs were lost in Pennsylvania and another 200,000 jobs in Ohio. No wonder Republicans were wiped out in both states in 2006.

Other Americans have lost their jobs because of the insourcing of foreigners to take jobs in our country. Some jobs were taken by low-wage illegal aliens and so-called guest workers. Other jobs were taken by skilled workers coming in from Asia on H-1B or student visas. Our government has failed to secure our borders and has positively encouraged the insourcing of Asian engineers and computer technicians.

The law of supply and demand really works — a bigger supply of cheap labor inevitably depresses wages.

We were able to hold the votes of these Middle American workers when there was an overpowering moral issue such as the state marriage amendments. It was the state marriage amendment on the ballot in Ohio in 2004 that carried Ohio for George W. Bush and re-elected him President. It was the marriage amendment on the ballot in Tennessee that gave Republicans our only Senate victory in 2006.

But there won’t be any marriage amendment on the ballot in most battleground states in 2008, and the Democrats have discovered they can win with referenda on the minimum wage. The Party that speaks for American workers will be the Party that wins in 2008.

In order to reclaim Middle America and the Reagan Democrats who are hurting badly from outsourcing and insourcing, our leaders must aggressively Stand Up for America on the patriotic and economic issues. Stand Up for America involves three types of issues: (1) the Rule of Law, (2) American sovereignty, and (3) the defense of U.S. jobs.

1.Standing up for the Rule of Law means that the President and Congress must do their constitutional Article IV duty to “protect [us] against invasionâ€