April 26, 2007

Hillary Picks "Mr. Reconquista" to Co-Chair California Campaign

By Debbie Schlussel

While Rudy Giuliani has changed his tune on illegal immigration from the days when he was Mayor of New York (he's now for getting tough on aliens and against amnesty), Hillary Rodham Cankles is going the other way.

Today, Hillary appointed California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez as Co-Chair of her California campaign effort. As reader Clem says,

Nunez is Mr. Reconquista, himself, and one of the biggest bigots in the movement there is.
Yup, Nunez believes he's representing the people of Mexico in California. And while he's at it, Nunez is backing a ballot referendum to get around term limits in California, so that he and the rest of his Reconquistador compatriots can continue to weaken the borders and immigration laws of this country, from within.

Hillary Picks Reconquista Sleazoid Fabian Nunez to Chair CA Campaign

As a commenter on the Alameda Times-Star website wrote:

Fabian Nunez has stated in so many words that he represents the interest of his "gente," Mexicans and Mexican illegal aliens, "solomente." I used to be a liberal democrat but now I will vigorously oppose Hillary Clinton in her bid for the presidency. The appointment of Nunez and the other reconquista is the final straw.
If only all Americans felt that way . . . or even just a few Democrats. Unfortunately, for now, Hillary (propped up by her Reconquista buds) is leading in the polls.
